5 months old! (on Dec 9th)

I have no idea how it happened so fast, but my Little Miss is 5 months old!  I keep telling her that she has to stay a baby forever…AND live with me forever.  To which Mike just laughs.

Here’s our 5-month photo shoot.  It started out well, but then someone (I won’t name any names, but it wasn’t me) got a little cantankerous.

I think she was annoyed that her background blanket was wrinkled and falling down. What can I say?  The girl’s got standards.

Just in the nick of time, Teddy (Annabelle’s union rep / canine companion) intervened and the shoot was able to continue.


6 thoughts on “5 months old! (on Dec 9th)

  1. Aunt Pinky says:

    Happy day to Missy Wright!
    Unfortunately, Mommas can’t keep their babies from growing up, but they will always be their “babies” !

  2. Oh Gosh JULIE! She is so cute!!!! I remember just *loving* the 5-9month stage, I have loved it all, but those months were just so cuddly and full of giggles. She is darling. Miss you!

  3. Alesha says:

    I can’t believe she is so big already! and so very precious…
    I truly understand now how the time does just fly by.
    Kaine is already 1 month! and I still don’t feel like I know
    what I am doing…patience and prayer…
    but oh what a wonderful blessing and joy these little ones are!!

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