I have no idea how it happened so fast, but my Little Miss is 5 months old! I keep telling her that she has to stay a baby forever…AND live with me forever. To which Mike just laughs.
Here’s our 5-month photo shoot. It started out well, but then someone (I won’t name any names, but it wasn’t me) got a little cantankerous.
I think she was annoyed that her background blanket was wrinkled and falling down. What can I say? The girl’s got standards.
Just in the nick of time, Teddy (Annabelle’s union rep / canine companion) intervened and the shoot was able to continue.
Treasure every minute, Julie! It’s flying by! She is so adorable.
Happy day to Missy Wright!
Unfortunately, Mommas can’t keep their babies from growing up, but they will always be their “babies” !
Oh Gosh JULIE! She is so cute!!!! I remember just *loving* the 5-9month stage, I have loved it all, but those months were just so cuddly and full of giggles. She is darling. Miss you!
I can’t believe she is so big already! and so very precious…
I truly understand now how the time does just fly by.
Kaine is already 1 month! and I still don’t feel like I know
what I am doing…patience and prayer…
but oh what a wonderful blessing and joy these little ones are!!
She just wanted to read and devour her birthday placard. She’s so precocious – and precious!
Awwwww, too cute for words!