6 Months Old (Jan. 9th)

Our sweet Little Miss is six months old!

What better way to celebrate than by letting the Little Lady try out solid foods for the first time?  For her sake, I’d love to say that we gave Annabelle some yummy cake with lots of chocolate frosting on top.  But no, Mike and I were responsible parents and opted for rice cereal.  It’s not gourmet, but she seemed to enjoy herself!

(already asserting her independence)

(already asserting her independence)

Here’s a video of the big event.  Use the password “belly” to watch.

So, you may ask, how is her eating going now?  Well, despite our very exciting beginnings, Annabelle has decided that she’s in no rush to partake of other culinary delights.  I’ve offered her more rice cereal, apple sauce and smashed bananas, but the Little Stinker seems to have lost interest.  Oh well…we’ll keep trying!


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