Roly Poly Lion:1, Little Miss:0

It was a blissfully peaceful and quiet Monday morning for the Little Miss and me.  Dog was walked.  Breakfast was eaten.  Play had commenced.

I had settled into the sofa with my cup of joe as the Little One sauntered happily over to her new push-toy, Mr. Roly Poly Lion.

A tussle ensued, followed by a loud THUMP!

Low and behold, Mr. Roly Poly Lion – a seemingly sweet and innocent cat-on-wheels – had given my girl her first shiner!

The scene that followed was a tearful one, but my Little Lion Tamer was all smiles again after Zookeeper Mama swooped in with a heaping of cuddles for the Babe and a stern scolding for the Beast.

And now, with my Little Bruised Bubba slumbering quietly in her crib, and said Lion sulking in a corner, I can’t help but wonder…what other miscreant toys must I protect my child from?  Renegade rocking horses?  Traitorous teddy bears?

I guess it’s time to break out the bubble wrap…


4 thoughts on “Roly Poly Lion:1, Little Miss:0

  1. Merrick says:

    Ahhhhhhhh poor thing… that is no fun!! Well she is still as cute as ever, even with her new little shiner! Way to tame the beasts Fearless Mama!! Can’t wait to see you on Thursday and give your little Lion Tamer a huge hug!!!!!!! 🙂

  2. Toys don’t even cause my boys half of their marks! They are always just falling, crashing into things, etc. Crazy. Annabelle, you are still the cutest little girly out there! Next time that lion gets in your way, you make him pay! Or I will come and be back up for your mama!

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