Quiet, but still ticking…

We in the Wright abode have been a little quiet lately.  Late last week my appendix decided it was time to seek greener pastures, and so took a very dramatic exit…complete with a trip to Duke Urgent Care, followed by the Duke Emergency Room, and capped off with a lovely 2-night stay at Hotel de Duke Hospital, including a “complimentary” emergency appendectomy.  And so in the following days, with my midriff a bit lighter, I’ve been taking a little time to rest and recuperate.

Thankfully, our wonderful friends (the Actons and the Kortuses) and family (Nena and Pops) cared for the Little Miss during all of my health drama, and she has loved all of the attention.  She does become a little fussy when I’m not able to pick her up…

But she’s coping well and is still full of energy and spunk.  No matter the adversity, a personality like hers cannot be contained.  Our Little Comedian is up to her usual antics, and has done a very good job keeping her visitors entertained.

…Like the time that she decided to turn her diaper into a purse, and run around our kitchen in nothing but her birthday suit.  Good times.  She’s a hoot and we love her!




3 thoughts on “Quiet, but still ticking…

  1. Nena (grandma Nancy) says:

    These are some classic photos. I especially love the “now listen up” one at the top (no doubt who’s in charge at your household!) and the new ponytail “do” – it’s erupting with personality just like Annabelle (:

  2. Aunt Marjorie says:

    I am praying for you and your family. Love the pixs. I do love the pig tails and the tutu makes a big statement. Love you.

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