“Things are going great, and they’re only getting better
I’m doing all right, getting good grades
The future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades…”
This is how we spend most of our mornings…Mommy tidies the house and gets ready for the day, and the Little Miss rocks out to her Kindermusik CDs while reading books and sporting her very cool shades. It’s a good life!
But sunglasses aren’t the only beloved accessories in our house. Shoes are all the rave too! And the shinier, the better!
Daddy better keep a tight hold on his wallet, because this Little Gal loves her accessories!
She’s really ‘stepping out’ in those shiny new shoes. What a super cool dude!
Adorable. She’s a budding fashionata!! Coming West anytime soon? No – – –
Please give her a kiss, hug and BIG squeeze from Jeff and me.
Can’t wait to kiss those cheeks!
The fashionista princess complete with sunglasses, shiny shoes and cute piggy tails. All are too cute, but the combination is…priceless.
Love you all.