Uncle Willy Comes to Town

Big things are happening at the Wright abode!  Okay, so no baby yet…T-minus 2 weeks, and counting.  But we did just have a special visit from the Little Lady’s Uncle Will!  It’s taken a few years to get him to venture out east, but he finally came!

The Little Miss had two very fun-packed days with her uncle.  As we were determined to show him a good time, despite the recent influx of hot and humid weather, our visit together became what I will now fondly refer to as…

“Prego Mommy Sweat Fest 2012!”

So what did the Little Miss and her parents do with Uncle Will, you ask?

Well, we went swimming, strolled around Duke campus, chased ducks at Duke Gardens (betcha didn’t know ducks eat cereal bars…or they do when Mommies forget to pack bread), dined out with friends (a certain Little Someone wasn’t invited), chased Teddy around the backyard, and…

…hiked the Eno River trail!  And by hiked, I mean that Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle Will juggled the (easily distracted) Little Adventurer, her (overly excited) dog, and her (somewhat cumbersome) stroller as we walked along a tree root- and rock-covered trail until we finally made it to a wonderful little waterhole where said child and dog could go nuts.
…And the exhausted and over-heated Mama could rest for a while on her keester.

Toddler mud-bath (because every gal needs to exfoliate!)

Puppy mud-bath (because this dog thinks he’s a pig!)
Well, more like the pup’s post-mud-bath-rest

And collapse of the Uncle
(he may be able to climb towering mountains all over the world,
but that doesn’t mean he can keep up with a hyper toddler!)

Despite all of the heat, we had a really fun two days.  We just need to get Uncle Will back out here after the Little Mister arrives so that he can chase around TWO Little (crazy) Ones!



4 thoughts on “Uncle Willy Comes to Town

  1. Merrick says:

    What a fun weekend!!!!! Uncle Will time and Mud pies sound like a great combination for a little Miss and the fam! The count down is on for a little one on the way! Cant wait.

  2. Nena (grandma Nancy) says:

    Looks like superjock Will has met his match in Miss Annabelle, with her winning the endurance contest hands-down! What a great (if exhausting) weekend you guys had!

  3. Thanks for sharing how to exhaust an adult (Uncle Will)! Team him up with a toddler plus the always energetic Teddy and go hiking along the Eno River Trail. Good job.

  4. Aunt Marjorie says:

    Loved the pictures and the story line. It never ceases to amaze me how much energy kids have. Good luck with the baby. Ashley Cox is MORE than ready to have her baby. Love this blog. Love you.

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