Little Mister Handsome

We’ve loved our first week and a half with the Little Mister!  He’s a total sweetheart who loves to cuddle as he sleeps the day away.

Now this tired Mama just needs her Little Man to like sleeping at night just as much!  To be fair, he would and could sleep more soundly at night…if only I held him the entire time.  Seeing as though that would kill my back, as well as not be very safe (for him) or restful (for moi), we’ll just have to keep working on acclimating him to a normal sleep schedule.

Despite his nocturnal propensities, our Little Mister is an absolute doll who brings so much joy to our home and family.



When he’s not sleeping he’s EATING!  This kid has quite the appetite, and needs to “fill ‘er up!” every 1 to 2 hours.  With all of that great eating, our Little Chubs is doing quite well in the weight department.  When we left the hospital he was down to about 8 lb 14 oz.  But after just one week of round-the-clock “bonding” with his doting Mama, he was already up to 9 lb 14oz!

I’m convinced that he’s storing it all up for an amazing 7-hour stretch of sleep he’s going to give me one of these nights.  It’s coming…I can feel it!  Well, maybe in a few months, that is.

Being a modest little guy, his first encounter in the bath was somewhat traumatic.  But we all survived…and I managed to actually clean the poor, irritated Little Chap.

Thankfully, round #2 went much more smoothly and peacefully…with all parties happy and smelling divine!

We adore our Little Mister and are so glad that he is a part of our family!


Signing off (for now), here are the TWO Mister Handsomes in my life…

…The Little Miss and I love them both!

(Why yes, that is spit-up on my shirt.  Don’t judge.
I’m just glad that I managed to shower that day!)


3 thoughts on “Little Mister Handsome

  1. Ohhhh, he is adorable. Thank you, thank you, thank you for including SOOOO many pictures. I have looked at them over and over again. The last picture with all four of you is precious. Annabelle looks so grown up (well, she is almost two). I do hope that his nights (and days) get straightened out soon so you can soon sleep. You must be sleep deprived, but you look GREAT! Everyone does.

    Now who’s to judge on MY shirt, right? I have no excuses (e.g. no spit up); I do have spills down the front of my shirt from a latte. Guess I better go change. Rest well.

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