Our adorable Little Mister turned 2 months old on August 15. It’s hard to believe how fast time flies! He is doing great…eating like a champ and sleeping better and better. He even went down for his first “real” bedtime (8:30pm) last night, and only woke once to nurse!
Here are his stats…
– Weight of 14 lb 11.5 oz (85%)
– Height of 24 in (85%)
– Head circumference of 40 cm (75%)
Go Little Guy, Go!!!
We love our Little Sweet Cheeks!
Those two months passed sooooo quickly. What a cutie! Love to all, Martha & Jeff
Love those smiles!! Sending hugs and kisses from Paris!
Soooo sweeet!!!!!!!! Adorable pics. love that “DADDY ROCKS” onsie…