The Little Miss reached a HUGE milestone today…she attended her first day of preschool! That’s right, our Little Miss is now a “Little Duckling” in Miss Pam’s 2-year-old class at Triangle Presbyterian Preschool.
It’s official. My little girl has grown up (sob!).
So what’s a proud, weepy parent to do on this very special and important day? Why, take a photo of the new Little Scholar, of course!
Well…that is, if the Little Scholar is willing. Which she wasn’t.
So, after a good deal of asking, followed by outright begging, we were able to capture a few shots before the Little Miss Rebel headed off to school.
Despite our somewhat frustrating beginnings, the rest of the morning went really well. After arriving at school, the Little Miss walked confidently and excitedly into her classroom. She barely had time to give her (despairing) Mama a hug and a kiss before she grabbed a seat at the play-dough table.
And what about the end of the morning? How was the Little Scholar when I picked her up, you wonder? Why, bubbly as ever, of course! When I arrived she gave her teacher a big hug and then bounded out of the room, full of news about her day. And by “news” I mean 2-year-old jibber jabber. So while I have no idea what she actually said (or did, for that matter), I am sure that it was all super fun and positive.
When Daddy came home from work we tried one more time to commemorate the day with a (cheerful) photo of our Little Preschooler. She may not have been wearing pants, but whatever. We’ll take what we can get!
(Showing off her first art project…a paper duckling!)
(I think she looks way too grown up here. Where’d my baby go?!?)
(Love, Love, Love)
We are SO PROUD of our Little Miss!
And not to be forgotten, the Little Mister had a great day too. He may have wailed the ENTIRE time he was in his carseat, causing his Mama all sorts of undue stress, but he was perfectly happy the rest of the day!
That first picture is so Annabelle :-). So glad she and Elliott had a good day. They both look like they are growing up too fast!!
If it’s the beginning of the school year, does that mean summer is over?
What is harder to believe is that Annabelle started pre-school today. Maybe that was harder on Mama than the Little Miss? It is fun to see each stage of her life and the Little Mister’s too.
We knew she’d ace it!!
Amazing to see how grown up she is with her backpack! I’m so glad she loves it, and I hope you’re loving your new Tues/Thurs schedule!
Wowwww first day of school already!!!! That is amazing! Looks like she loooved it! Goooo Annabelle!