My sweet baby boy turned 3 months old today!
It’s crazy to think that just 3 months ago this Little Bundle of Joy came into our lives. He is so precious, and we all love watching him grow and become more aware of the world around him.
Here are some fun tidbits about our Little Rock Star…
– He loves to smile! He gets this big grin from ear to ear when you smile at him.
– He also loves to “coo,” and can be quite the conversationalist (just like his Big Sis!).
– He is VERY active. His favorite thing to do is stand and bounce on your lap as he looks around the room. He also loves laying on his playmat, and batting at the animals overhead. And when he does “tummy-time,” he nearly pushes himself off of the blanket with his strong little legs.
– He’s becoming a better sleeper. His favorite place to sleep is in the carrier on Mommy, but he’s becoming more comfortable in his crib. In fact, he usually sleeps from 7pm to 7am, with only one feeding in between!
– He adores his Big Sister. He’ll watch her with these big blue eyes as she plays and dances around him. He gives her the biggest smiles…just so long as she isn’t smothering him with hugs and kisses, or squealing too close to his ear.
– He is fascinated with his hands. We’ll put toys within his grasp and he’ll stare at his hands in amazement like, “are these really mine?!?” Whenever he’s not holding a toy, he’s usually trying to shove his fists into his mouth. It looks like we might have another thumb-sucker in the family!
– He’s our Little Lover Boy! There is NO WHERE he’d rather be than in his Mama and Daddy’s arms. And when he’s not cuddling, he is standing on our laps, covering our faces in big sloppy kisses.
Here’s a video of our Little Guy, hard at work at tummy time…
Type in “wright” to watch the video.
We LOVE our (3-month-old) Little Mister!!!
Cute video. Kincaid loves his play mat as well. Little baby smiles are so cute. Thanks for the pixs and the video clips. They are great fun to watch.
Love you all.