Hey, peeps. It’s me…the Little Miss. Long time no hear, right?
I’ve been around, and busy as ever. Last Thursday was a particularly crazy day for me because I starred in my very FIRST performance! I mean, I “perform” all of the time…pretty much every waking moment. I sing, I dance, I give impromptu stump speeches (and even clap for myself at the end of each sentence). But this time was different.
This time I was dressed up with ALL of my preschool buddies for the annual Thanksgiving Feast. Our teachers had us process (or as Miss Pam said, they herded us like cats) onto a stage, wearing our Thanksgiving-finest. The big kids were “pilgrims,” or so they tell me. I don’t know what pilgrims are, but from what I could figure they were people who wore really big, funny lookin’ hats.
My class and I were Indians (or “Native Americans” for all of you PC folks out there. I don’t know what “PC” means either, but Mommy told me to say that). We had these cool headbands and outfits that we decorated with paper and paint.
I know we looked pretty awesome because all of the parents were tripping over each other, trying to get photos and videos of us. My Mommy even had to crawl under some people’s camera-raised-arms just to get a shot.
(Word to the wise, folks. Never get in the way of a camera-toting-Mama, especially when it is a big occasion for one of her kids. Hell hath no fury like a Mama who is prevented from snapping a million photos of her costume-clad offspring.)
(Oh, and never you worry. My Mama wants you to know that despite being irritated with the group of folks who arrived early to stake out the front row of the church gymnasium, she behaved herself and was quite polite as she crawled around the tangle of excited parents.)
Now where was I?!? Oh, right. My performance.
So the big-pilgrim-kids started things off by singing some song about their pilgrim-selves. I’m not really sure what the song was all about ’cause I was too busy checking out all of their funny hats. Oh, and watching my classmates, who were crying, picking their noses, or just staring blankly out into the abyss of drooling parents.
But I snapped back to attention when Miss Pam called out, “Ducklings, time to stand up!”
Gulp. My moment had arrived.
After all of the practicing we had done in class, I knew this time would come. But boy, was I nervous! Would I remember the words? Would I clap at the appropriate hand-clapping-times? Would Mommy and Daddy be able to hear me singing? And would that kid over there ever stop picking his nose?
There was nothing to do but cast my worries aside and join the choir of 2-year-old voices.
It was showtime, baby.
Okay, so truth be told there were so many interesting things going on around me that I kinda just floated in and out of our songs about turkeys and hay. But I mean, really…can you blame me? How can one focus on turkeys and hay when you are surrounded by a bunch of funny lookin’ hats?!
Finally, when all was sung and done (hee hee), my preschool buds and I concluded the performance by singing a blessing for lunch.
Take a peek…
(Type in “wright” to watch the video)
Again, I may have been a wee bit distracted here. But I remembered to clap when I was supposed to!
All things considered, I think my first-ever performance was pretty great. In fact, I think I should perform on stage all of the time.
Just maybe with a few less hats…
The video clip and accompanying dialogue is absolutely precious. Thanks so much for this blog. It’s really great.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.