Our Adulthood Experiment (a.k.a. Beach Trip!)

It was June and the Hubs and I were clamoring to get OUT of Durham and TO the beach.  Convinced that it was time for us to “act like adults” by planning and carrying out our own family vacation (i.e., without the help of grandparents) we dared to take on our very own…


(or “Tryst with Crazy” as I like to think of it now).

Inspired by our new “grown-up” and “self-sufficient” selves, we booked a beach house located on the fabulous Emerald Isle, packed up the van with a ridiculous amount of STUFF, and headed to the white sands (after taking a quick jaunt to Duke Urgent Care, but that’s a tale for another day…).

Long story short, the beach was beautiful.  The house was great.  The kids were, well, kids.  They were great too…and ridiculously cute, and funny, and entertaining.  The trouble was, despite all of our “adult” decisions and accomplishments, they were still kids!  They were needy, and messy, and tiring, and prone to meltdowns…  Shocker!

And yet, determined to have a fun “vacation,” Mike and I carried on like good little “adult” beach troopers.  We worked hard on behalf of our Little Miss and Mister to ensure that they had a GREAT time.

And they did.



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We even overcame a rainy (and potentially boring) day and made it to the aquarium!


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And then, mid-way through this “vacation” of ours, we re-attached our brains and called Grammie and Poppy for “HELP!”


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Frankly, it was probably the most “adult” decision we made the whole trip.  Ain’t grandparents the best?!

Suffice to say, OUR FAMILY LOVES THE BEACH!  Especially when grandparents are involved!

And we’re gonna get back there no matter what it takes!
(Just a wee bit wiser next time…)








4 thoughts on “Our Adulthood Experiment (a.k.a. Beach Trip!)

  1. Martha Berg says:

    Oh, dear! Grammie and Poppy live too far (to help us at the beach in California).
    We’ll TRY (to help). I promise. Please don’t expect the type of miracles that BOTH sets of grandparents regularly perform. They’re magic (and have lots of experience). 🙂 We’re newbies. Can we still come see you?!
    Martha & Jeff

  2. Merrick says:

    Gerald and I laugh that vacations with kids are hummmm not always vacations… High Five to Grandparents!!!! They are the biggest blessings to all of us! It looks like you guys had a blast.. Love to those little sand diggers 🙂 They are ADORABLE.

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