Something wild and crazy happens today!
Can you guess what it is?!?!
Our sweet Baby Girl turns THREE!
I know, I know. I can hardly believe it myself.
But it is true.
Our vibrant, loving, hilarious, smart, maddening, nutty, outgoing, energetic, wonderful
Little Miss is a whole year older.
I have no clue where the time has gone.
The one thing I DO know is that she (and her Little Bro)
bring such incredible JOY and BLESSING to our lives.
(Oh, and grey hair too. Did I mention that yet?)
We thank God each and every day for our Little (3-year-old) Treasure!!!
Sweet Anna-belly-boo
Ohhhh my gosh……. has it really been 3 years!!!! I can’t believe it!! Happy Birthday sweet girl!! Hope you guys have so much fun and soak in every second of such a special day!!! Looooove her pics! You really caught some precious moments!
Happy birthday, Annabelle! We love you!
I hope you’re all having a wonderful birthday celebration today. What a fun and fast 3 years it’s been. We’ve been so blessed to watch her grow up into an amazing little girl.
Wow, she’s looking way too grown up! We cherish our adorable Belle and thank God she came into our lives those three years ago!!!
Dear Annabelle Jane,
I hope you had a great birthday!!! The pixs and story line are just fabulous.
Love you all.