“Don’t worry, Mama. I broke the fall with my face!”
Also known as “Baby Boy’s First Shiner.” It looks way worse in person.
This harkens back to his sister’s infamous “Gal versus Lion” incident of 2011. The Little Mister pulled off this stunt by climbing onto a chair…and then falling off…onto his face. In my defense, I was making him lunch AND had previously pushed the chairs into the table to avoid such an accident. But the Boy is unstoppable! He must climb!
Not to be left out of the fun, the Little Miss (and her pal Lucia) surprised me the other day with:
“Look Mama, body art!”
Hands, fingers, arms, legs, toes, even the BOTTOMS of the feet…all covered in marker. Nice.
I must admit, my first thought was that I was relieved the girls only drew on themselves and not the on walls…especially since we were hosting Bible Study that night.
I also must admit that the Mommies in this situation were a wee bit distracted. Natalie and I had been chatting as we made the kids lunch, convinced that the girls could behave themselves as they drew with markers on the easel. Yeah. Not so much.
The inmates are running the asylum.
Especially when food is involved.
Give Elliott extra kisses for me!!
Ahhhhhhh sweet one!!! War wounds often look bad on our little ones outside but are are sometimes harder on Mamas insides!! By the looks of that smile I bet he has already forgotten.. PRAISE THE LORD 🙂
BTW, I am currently supporting body Tattoos from my little artist. Should be fun showing them off in business meetings tomorrow!! Looking forward to that one haha..
Love you, your little bruiser and beautiful artist!
Dear Julie, Mike, Annabelle and Elliott,
We had so much fun with you all. Your kids are very fun to be with. You’re doing a great job. It is fun to see them grow and develop into the people they are becoming. They are a delight.