The Little Mister is 18 Months Old! (and counting…)

Truth be told, as I write this post my darling Little Mister is actually 19 months old.  But I seem to run slow doing everything these days (time to play the pregnancy card!), so it’s only fitting that this post is also a wee bit tardy…

That aside, I must gush about our sweet Little Boy who is growing in leaps and bounds!  Literally!  The poor kid injures himself at least once a week.  Let’s just say that his adventurous spirit cannot be harnessed.
…And that I should probably have the Duke ER on speed-dial.

As I learned at his last doctor’s appointment, the Little Mister continues to follow in his Daddy’s footsteps…



…Particularly in the height department.  He measures in at a whopping 90.2 cm, or above the 100th percentile!  The doc actually said “whoa!” when he saw that stat, and told me that puts our Little Basketball Star at about 6’4″ by the time he’s 20.  (His weight is 27lb 13oz, or 86%).

And that’s only fitting because our Little Guy loves his Daddy so.  Despite the fact that I carried him for 40 weeks + 3 days, endured an emergency appendectomy during his pregnancy, and nursed him well into his second year, Daddy is his role model and favorite person in the whole wide world.



Well, just so long as Teddy (the dog) isn’t nearby.

But worry not, my faithful fans.  The Little Mister does, in fact, possess some of his wonderful Mama’s traits as well.

(And that’s a good thing, seeing as though the blend of Daddy’s big head and my slightly small one resulted in his head circumference being smack dab in the middle – 47.8 cm or 57%.)

…Particularly when it comes to his sparkling personality and gift of gab.



Oh, and his hair.  He got stuck (I mean blessed!) with my hair too.


And yet, despite all of our genetic “claims” to the Little Man, at the end of the day he has a personality all his own and is truly one of a kind.




And boy do we LOVE HIM SO!!!



4 thoughts on “The Little Mister is 18 Months Old! (and counting…)

  1. Nena (grandma Nancy) says:

    We always knew he had big shoes to fill, and he’s doing that so adorably. Hooray for the “Little” Mister – who’s won over our hearts totally!

  2. Aunt Marjorie says:

    I love the picture of the shoes. What great pixs and a very cute story line.
    Love you all. Thanks also for the thank you note. Glad all the dishes came in tact. The last couple of pieces are for either hard boiled eggs (narrow end or for poached eggs–bigger end. The story in the Willoware book is also very interesting.

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