The Little Mister is TWO!!!

I have no clue where the time has gone, but today our

Little Mister turns TWO years old!


The Little Mister brings so much joy to our family,
with a smile that could light up any room.

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He still loves a good cuddle and can be so very sweet.
(Particularly when “baboos,” chocolate, and books are involved.)



But don’t let his sweetness and charm fool you.
The boy has a feisty streak all his own.


With seemingly boundless energy, our Little Mister is one
very active (and precocious!) little dude.

Sandboxes and monkey bars beware.  You’ve met your match.

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And like his Big Sis, he’s a total goofball (with quite the fashion sense),
who loves to make people laugh.

(Tutus are a particular favorite these days, but nothing makes him happier
than his nightly “naked time!” races and wrestling matches with the Little Miss.)

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Following in the footsteps of his Mommy, our Little Mister Middle Child
LOVES spending time with his Big Sis and Little Bro.

(Truth be told, he’s a bit lost when he can’t be sidekick to the Little Miss.)



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He loves his Daddy too (just listen to his squeals when Daddy comes home!),
and is such a chip off the ole’ block.


I can’t believe what a Big Boy my Little Mister has become.
He FILLS our lives with so much happiness
(and mess, and band-aids, and time-outs, and LAUGHTER).

We treasure our TWO YEAR OLD Little Mister!



– Height of 36.5 inches (96%)
– Weight of 30lb 8.5oz (78%)
– Head circumference of 48.5 cm (45%)




3 thoughts on “The Little Mister is TWO!!!

  1. Aunt Marjorie says:

    Wow!!! Elliott is 2 already??? When did this happen?? I really appreciate the photos and stories. It provides such a great connection between families.
    Love you lots,
    Aunt Marjorie

  2. Martha Berg says:

    Ditto (to Aunt Majorie’s comments)….”I really appreciate the photos and stories…”

    With Love,
    Martha & Jeff

  3. Merrick says:

    Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Elliott!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY……… Such sweet pics!!!! These are precious… Let’s find a way to freeze time. These moments are so fun!

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