First Day of School ~ 2014

This was a big day for the Little Miss and Little Mister…

Today was their first day of school!

(a.k.a. Independence Day for Summer-Weary Parents)


The Little Miss will be in the 4-year-old (PreK) Frogs class.

And the Little Mister, in his educational debut, will be in the 2-year-old Ducks class.

They were both so excited!



Parents join the kiddos for their first day experiences,
so Mike bonded with the Frogs while I boogied with the Ducks.

Never one to be left out of the fun, our Little Sir Chubs was well
entertained by his fabulous Aunt/Godmother Erin.

We love her so!



It was a fun day for everyone and a great start to the new school year.

And now all I can say is…



6 thoughts on “First Day of School ~ 2014

  1. Nena (grandma Nancy) says:

    The backpack-totting Duck looks SO grown up. Glad he’s got his big sis school pro to show him the ropes. Kudos and love to them on their big day!

  2. Martha Berg says:

    Whoo Hoo, school’s started and all is well with the the Little Miss and Little Mister.
    They look so grown up with their backpacks headed to class!

    Love from Tucson,
    Martha & Jeff

  3. Aunt Marjorie says:

    When did they grow up so fast. I really appreciate this blog to help me see the big “firsts” and the little fun stuff that happens as well. Love to you all.

  4. Merrick says:

    hahahahahah Go little Duck and Frog!!!! They are to cute! Just let Tatum off for her first day of Pre-School as well. CRAZYNESS, how did time fly by so fast!

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