Our Little Miss Drama Queen participated in a dance/theater class this spring with some of her good homeschool buddies, and she had such a blast.
I LOVED watching the joy and excitement on her face as she emerged from class each Friday afternoon. And the boys loved our weekly trips to local parks and Dunkin Donuts as we waited for their Big Sis. Our adventurous, nature loving Lil Mister even discovered his first Geocache on one of these outings! Not to be outdone by his tree-hugging Big Brother, on a subsequent forest tromp the Lil Sir got into a tussle with a stick and ended up in the Duke ER with a severe eye injury. But that’s a tale for another day…one that (thanks be to God!) had a a happy ending (and a whole lotta lollipops).
Anyhoo…where was I? Oh right, the RECITAL.
It was awesome. And somewhat chaotic. But fun and sweet and awesome nonetheless.
Some might even call it a SQUEAL!
Our Little Miss Blue Mouse
Here are some memories from the dress rehearsal:
(type in “wright” to watch the videos)
And then the performance was the next night! In front of a room with a PACKED audience, no less.
Getting all gussied up…
Welcoming her guests…
All ready to go…
And then show time!!!
(no password necessary for this one)
The final bows
The Little Miss did great and we were all so very proud of her!
That’s our girl.
Our Little Ray of (Mouse-y) Sunshine.
CUTEST little mouse EVER!!!!!!! She is absolutely adorable! Way to go Little Miss Super Star
Terrific face paint and outfit for Annabelle. The photos captured the excitement of the dance recital.