To Annapolis, and beyond!

This spring we searched for a new house, then bought a new house, and then had to get our old house on the market…fast.  In fairness we had been house hunting and preparing our original home for sale for a while, but when a firm deadline is set and a FOR SALE sign is placed on your curb, well, the “doo-doo” gets real.  So to speak.

Let’s just call it “stressful.”

Here’s 106 Baccalaureate…the home where we brought all of our babies home.  Ain’t she purdy?

But we did it.  The Hubs and I worked our tails off and got our house on the market.  Lookin’ pretty darn good, if I do say myself.

(Not us, I mean.  The house.  We were a hot mess of sweat and panic.)

And then the kids and I hightailed it to Annapolis so that we could get out of the way and let the showings begin!

Ever try keeping a house clean and “show ready” with three rambunctious Littles underfoot?  Yeah, not fun.  That scenario is a crazy-maker.

Relocating to this oasis was way better.

Can you hear my deep, cleansing breaths?  There were a lot of those.  And prayers.  And wine.  And help from a very kind Nena (Nancy Plaxico).

And super fun friend time!

(With Merrick, my Bestie from our Washington, DC days)

We love the whole McSwiggan crew!

And that was followed by super fun family time!

In Philadelphia, as it turns out.  My sister, Ashley, and her husband, Joe, were celebrating their 40th birthdays (I brought them prunes as a gift) AND their 15th wedding anniversary…

All with one big, fun, sugar-infused, dance-crazed party.  We had a blast!

We were so happy to get to celebrate Ash and Joe, and as always, LOVED all the great cousin time.  Haley, Emily, Caleb and Liam are our faves.

The party even included some hilarious improv lessons for the kids with a local theater crew.  Suffice to say, we were INTO IT.

So good.  So fun.  So.Many.Ice.Cream.Sundaes.

At the end of our Philly stay we also spent some time with the Littles’ beloved Aunt Laura.  Since our visit with her was at the end of the trip when my brain had shut off, I forgot to take a photo.  But we had a ball with her, playing volleyball and jumping in the creek!

The Littles and I traveled home to NC at the end of that week with happy hearts, ice cream and soda hangovers, and an accepted offer on our house.  Time well spent, if I do say so myself.


Months later, in July, we took one more journey up north to Annapolis.  After having moved into our new home, the purpose of this trip was to get out of the NC heat and let loose a bit (and let Daddy paint…woo hoo for house projects!).

And we were blessed with more friend time!

(With Joanne Roby, a friend from Wash U, and her sweet boys)

(With Maggie and Sarah, dear friends from DC, and their families)

11 kids between the 3 of us!

And I got to visit with Dani Meagher Fuller too!
Just pretend you see a beautiful picture of the two of us


We were even treated to a midnight visit from the Maryland Fire Department, when one of Nena’s mysterious fire alarms went on the fritz.  Seems like a good time for some star gazing, no?!?

Annapolis is fun.  So very, very fun.

Thanks for hosting us, Nena!!!



One thought on “To Annapolis, and beyond!

  1. Nena (Grandma Nancy) says:

    Wheeeee . . . you covered so much ground on your way from one home to another, and got to revel with so many friends and family along the way! It was a joy to be part of those fun times 🙂

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