Little Mr. Basketball ~ Winter 2019

Sports are great.  Fun to play, fun to watch, fun to strategize, fun to get all (Cameron) crazy and riled up about (Go Duke!).

But sports are just the BEST when there’s a Little to cheer for.

Especially when that Little is joined by his good buddy, Luke.

And his super awesome Coach (and #1 Fan) Daddy.

Then it’s just magic.

Magic and silliness.

Magic and silliness and cat herding.

As in herding a group of (adorable) cats around a basketball court and attempting to get them to shoot baskets as said (sometimes uncoordinated) felines are fueled (and distracted) by their big shorts, big movements, big laughs, big hopes, and big HEARTS.

The boys of the I9 Lions had a ball together.  Led by their fabulous coaches, Coach Mike and Coach Dan, they learned a lot and had a great time as a team.  And Mike and Dan were awesome – so patient, so encouraging and so FUN.  They were a great team too!

(It was particularly entertaining watching Mike and Dan run drills to encourage the team to be more aggressive.  And then have to manage and re-direct the boys once they decided that the phrase “be aggressive” = commence on-court-wrestle-mania.  So fun.)

The season was a hoot and we all (the Wrights and Rockes) enjoyed being their Cheering Squad!

We’re so proud of our Little Mr. Basketball and Coach Daddy!


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