Picture this:
It’s a blissfully warm weekend in early January.
Mama has left her Little Crew in the care of the Hubs, and gone to the beach with some pals for a few days of rest, relaxation, and revelry (Kim Mah turned 40! Wahoo!).
She returns from a peaceful walk on the beach to discover this text message from the Hubs-In-Charge on her phone:
“At urgent care now”
(Cue Mama gasps and heart palpitations)
After many a text and phone call, the Once-Relaxed-But-Now-Not-So-Much Mama learned that her littlest had – YET AGAIN – broken his wrist.
In case anyone is keeping count this is NUMBER 3 for the Little Sir (Accident Prone). As in one break per year for the past 3 years. Not to be confused with the additional trip to the hospital for the stick that got in his eye during a casual hiking venture. And the extra hospital visits in San Diego when he broke his arm (gardening!) and then tumbled into the ocean and got his cast wet.
Lord, have mercy!
It turns out that – while Daddy was distracted in the kitchen – the Littles decided to embody their Home Alone hero and sled down the stairs in a laundry basket. The two Elder Instigators slid down without (bodily harming) incident.
The Littlest? Not so much.
But I’ll let him tell the story…
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Oh, my poor, sweet, ACCIDENT PRONE Little Sir. Where will your adventures take us next?!?