Snow Day ~ 2020

The Littles have been hoping…and hoping….and hoping for a snow day.  North Carolina weather is funny like that.  As the wise sage Forest Gump once said…

“[Snow in North Carolina] is like a box of chocolates.  Ya never know whatcha gonna get!”

Okay, so I may have tweaked that quote a bit.  But you get my point.

Nevertheless, we DID get some snow this year!

Emphasis on “some.”
a.k.a. “a smattering”
a.k.a. ” a smidgen”
a.k.a. “a wee little bit”
a.k.a. “if you squint real hard you’re sure to see some!”

Determined to be ones who will make lemons from lemonade (err….snow cones from lackadaisical snow storms?), our Littles got out and made the best of it!

Watching these two work together was my favorite.

Even if the coverage was patchy, everyone had fun!

(And wrapped things up when the mud surmounted the snow.)

And then we ended the day in classic hot-chocolate-style.

It’s good to be a Little.


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