Happy 6th Birthday, Lil Sir!

My Darling, my Cuddle Bug, my Baby Boy…

My SIX YEAR OLD Little Sir!

We LOVE you, sweet Lad, and all of your wonderful ways!

We love…

Your heart for your siblings
(And the calm to cuckoo y’all produce before I can even finish typing this sentence.)

Your delight in family –
in the the gaiety of grandparents and the comedy of cousins!

Your joyful (and toothless) smile,
ready to burst forth in laughter and jest

Your hilarious wit and your gift of GAB

Your bright mind, and the sparkle in your eyes each time you read and discover something new

Your thrill for building and creating –
for all things legos, wood, and tape (and paint, paper, glue, mud, sand, water, rocks, stickers, rubber bands, glitter, tin foil…)

Your insatiable curiosity and sense of wonder
(A Little Scientist in the making)

Your athletic wiggles and waggles
(and don’t forget the snack breaks!)

Your Crash Test Skills
(and their best friends, the Medical Co-pays!) 

Your tender spot for all things fuzzy and fluffy

(and otherwise)

Your independence, as you march to a drumbeat ALL your own

Your crave for adventure and the Great Unknown

And so SIX cheers to you, our…

Mighty William the Conqueror,
Sweet Willy Wonka,
Beloved Little Sir.



You are the surprise that God used to bring such incredible JOY and completion to our family.

YOU are a gift.  And we are so thankful for every bit of 6-year-old YOU!



3 thoughts on “Happy 6th Birthday, Lil Sir!

  1. Sharon Plaxico Peery says:

    Happy happy 6th birthday, Sweet WillIt is exciting to see all the wonderful things & amazing people that have made your 6th year incredible❣️Tell your Mommy thanks for sharing.
    Love & hugs,
    Cousin Sharon Plaxico Peery

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