Halloween Fun…the Prequel

Hey folks, it’s me…the Little Miss.  Or based on this year’s Halloween (read my last post), the Little Bumblebee.

Halloween was a blast because I got to party like a Little (Bumblebee) Rockstar for not just one weekend, but TWO!  That’s right…Grammie and Grandpop visited us the weekend before and threw my cousins (Ethan, Luke and Madeline) and me a spooky-fun Halloween party.

The party was so neat!  We dressed up…

Note from Mommy: Many attempts were made to get a good photo of the kids together in their costumes, however, one Little Someone could not be contained

Played games…

Hunted for and painted pumpkins…

…And then Ethan (I mean, “Captain Rex”) shot Grandpop!

Okay, I’m kidding…I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention. 🙂

But that’s not all!  Grammie and Grandpop stayed for a big sleep-over at my house and played with me all weekend.  Don’t you just love it when you have grandparents around who will satisfy your every whim and desire?!?


Yep, that’s the good life.

Three cheers for grandparents!  And three cheers for Halloween!



5 thoughts on “Halloween Fun…the Prequel

  1. Merrick says:

    Soooo much fun! You guys throw one heck of a great Halloween party. I loved all of the exciting costumes including Rusty’s new hair extensions and red nose!

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