Thanksgiving…in rewind

So November was a tough month for the Wrights.  For us, it will go down in memory as “The Month of Infamy”, or more accurately “The Month of Illness”, because despite our best efforts, we found ourselves slammed with one malady after another.  First there was the stomach flu, followed by my thrilling emergency appendectomy, then croup (for the Little Miss) and colds (for her parents), and finally another rendezvous with the stomach flu.  Yuck.  Suffice to say, being sick so often was NOT fun.  But we survived, and are hoping that healthier times are in our future.

Nevertheless, we still managed to spend a very happy – and healthy! – Thanksgiving holiday with Nena and Pops.  We were also excited to be joined by our dear friend, Fielding, who has been a wonderful pal since our days together at Duke business school.

Here’s a photo of the Plaxico-Wright clan, about to partake in our Thanksgiving feast.  And yes, the Little Lady’s location at the table does accurately reflect her position in our family. 🙂

And the next one is with Fielding.  As you can see, The Little Miss is becoming quite the Little Prayer Warrior, and loves to say “AMEN!” before, during and after the blessing for any meal.

Thanks to Nena and Pops, the food was delicious.  The Little Miss liked it all, but most especially the dessert!  She’s a Little-Chip-Off-the-Old-Block!

Though we know this blog post is very belated, we want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!  We hope it was a weekend full of great fun, family, friends and FOOD for you as well!


4 thoughts on “Thanksgiving…in rewind

  1. Nena (grandma Nancy) says:

    Love the photos with my sidekick, the Belle of Thanksgiving! And yes, she did preside most enthusiastically at our Thanksgiving feast!

  2. Lindsay says:

    Praying for a happy and healthy December for y’all! So glad you ALL made it through the trials of last month. Love y’all!

  3. Aunt Marjorie says:

    I am sooo glad that you are all feeling much better. Good for you all. Glad you had a great T-day.
    Love you all,
    Aunt Marjorie

  4. Hello, I am soooo far behind (on making comments) on the last few entries. Let me cut to the chase. First of all, suffice it to say, that I read ALL of your posts. I eagerly await updates on the life and times of Annabelle Jane.

    Next, I Love (love, love) ALL the pictures of the Little Miss (plus anyone else in the pictures). Thanksgiving looked like a wonderful time. We rejoice that November is over; may illness be a distant memory.

    Blessings for the remainder of Advent, Christmas and the New Year!
    From Tucson with Love, Martha and Jeff

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