We Love Our Little Girl

When walking out of the Little Lady’s 18-month appointment this week, I was blown away by how quickly she is growing up.  Where has the time gone, by golly?  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital, and attempting to figure out this new crazy role of “parent” (and “nursemaid,” and “paramedic,” and “stinky trash collector,” and…).

Thinking back about how far we’ve come, and how much she has changed and grown over this past 1 1/2 years, I wanted to try to scribble down some fun facts about our blossoming Little Flower.

There are SO MANY things we adore about her.  Here are just a handful…

– She is still “rocking the charts” with her development.  After hearing her latest stats from the doctor (below), I continue to dream about all of the volleyball we can play together.  Given how tall her Daddy is, she’s probably going to whoop me!

  • 24 lbs and 15 1/2 oz in weight (70%)
  • 34 3/4 inches in height (still over the 97%!)
  • 46 1/2 cm in head circumference (50%)


– She’s a total sweetheart who loves to cuddle, hug, kiss (she makes this cute fish face when she puckers up), high five…you name it!  Though sometimes she plays hard to get and makes you chase her around the house before she’ll run into your arms for a big squeeze.

– She loves to sing and dance…especially to “You are My Sunshine,” “The Itsy Bitsy Spider”, and “The Wheels on the Bus.”  And nothing gets her giggling like when Mommy sings “The Ants Go Marching…”  It always turns into a crazy-silly family parade around the house with the Little Majorette marching in the lead.

– She talks up a storm these days, using lots of simple phrases with “real” words, as well as plenty of long (and animated!) sentences of jibber jabber.  She talks from the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep.  Some of our favorites are:

  • “Up in the sky!” – She started saying this after watching Sesame Street.  Now everything in her world is “up in the sky”…like birds, horses, dogs, plates, trees, you name it!
  • “Up, up, up!” – When she wants to go upstairs
  • “Oh my goodness!” and “Uh-oh!”
  • “Hey baby!” – Pronounced like she’s a Little Italian
  • “I go gee goo!” – Meaning “I’m gonna get you!”, which is what she says when she wants us to chase her around the house
  • “Diaper!” – She yells this out the minute you enter the room after she’s been sleeping.  I guess we’ve trained her well.  Hopefully one day soon she’ll be just as enthusiastic about the big girl potty.

– Chase is pretty much the #1 game in our house these days, followed closely by tackling Teddy, playing “ball”, and making “Tea!” using her new play kitchen.

– She’s a climber!  Better keep your eyes open, or she’ll be up on a table before you know it!

Well, that’s just a start.  I could go on, and on, and on, and on.  But suffice to say…



7 thoughts on “We Love Our Little Girl

  1. Naomi says:

    I love hearing all these little details, Julie! What a cutie patootie. I hope we get to visit with her soon, either up here or down there. I think she and Molly would have a hoot playing together now!


  2. Cristen says:

    Love her!! And I love watching her turn into such a sweet little girl! But you’re right, it’s going by way too fast.

  3. Aunt Marjorie says:

    I really appreciate being able to access this site. I feel very connected to your family as I watch all the pixs, videos and read your wonderful stories. I can’t believe how much Annabelle Jane has grown and developed in the last year and a half. Love you all.

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