A Day of Firsts

The Little Miss had a big day on Sunday, complete with many exciting FIRSTS!

To start, she was able to enjoy her FIRST LOLLIPOP…

This wonderful little treat allowed for her next first of the day…The Little Beauty’s FIRST HAIRCUT!

Pre-lollipop…note the look of concern!

Let’s just say a big-time meltdown was averted by what will now be affectionately called the “miracle-on-a-stick” in our home.  But really, can you blame her?  Some unknown woman was coming at the Little Miss with scissors in hand!  Though truth be told, Donna the stylist was very nice…and fast!

And though our Little Lady is – and has always been – ADORABLE, Daddy and I decided that it was time to even out her “do” as it had grown into a wee toddler mullet.  We were too afraid to attempt the task ourselves, and so we opted to head over to our local “Peek-A-Do” hair salon.  There, armed with a delicious lollipop, and sitting in an airplane chair with Dora The Explorer playing on her own TV screen, our girl got her first trim!

SUCCESS!!!  Goodness, if only all salons could be so plush!  And if you are wondering…YES, we do accept that we are complete yuppies for taking our child to such a place.  But seriously people, there’s no way I could give her a reasonably good-looking cut.  Do you realize how wiggly my Little Monkey is?!?!?

And finally, to finish her day in style, the Little Miss entertained us with her FIRST MUSICAL PERFORMANCE!

(type in “belly” to watch the video)

The harmonica is complements of our weekly Kindermusik class (music and movement for toddlers), which the Little Dancer absolutely loves.  Thanks to Nena and Pops for this great Christmas gift!

It was a great day of firsts for our Little Miss…a day we will always cherish!

(Final note: If you asked Daddy and me which first was the most memorable, I’m sure we’d both say the haircut.  But if you asked the Little Lady I can guarantee that her answer would be…
“The LOLLIPOP, of course!!!”)


6 thoughts on “A Day of Firsts

  1. Merrick says:

    Ahhhhhhhh Here hair cut is ADORABLE!!! He did such a great job. Thank goodness for the love of Lollipops. Also I have to say that I am a little obsessed with that owl shirt…. sooo cute…. Now if I can only find a way to get her hooked on the colors Red and Yellow hehe… Love watching her grow up. Thanks for sharing.

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