Happy birthday, Daddy!

Hey, folks.  It’s the Little Miss here.  I betcha didn’t know this, but my Daddy is OLD!  That’s right…today he turned 31!

(Daddy just loves taking photos right when he wakes up in the morning!)

Mommy and I had lots of surprises for Daddy this morning.  We woke him up singing the “Happy Birthday” song, after which I asked repeatedly for “cake?!”…because I know that when you sing the birthday song, cake always follows!  Then we brought him downstairs and gave him presents, yummy breakfast treats, birthday cake, and a sign that I colored just for him.  It was a Daddy-birthday-bonanza!

Mama tells me that she, in contrast to Daddy, is still a “spring chicken” because she will only be “29 and a bit” for the rest of her life.  I don’t really understand how Mama could be a chicken, since she doesn’t have feathers or say “bock bock” like other chickens do.  But oh well.  I gave up trying to understand that crazy woman a long time ago.

But I digress.  What I really want to say is…



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