Our Little Man turned 4 months old today!
The Little Mister has FILLED our lives and our hearts with so much love and joy. We adore him, head to toe!!!
Here are some fun facts about our sweet Little 4-Month-Old…
– He loves to smile and laugh! He makes the cutest baby giggles when I kiss his belly or play peek-a-boo with him in the mirror.
– He is still the sweetest Little Cuddlebug. Though he enjoys playing in his exersaucer or on his playmat for a few minutes, there’s no place he’d rather be than in your arms!
– He is (finally) becoming a good sleeper! He continues to sleep for 12 hours at night in his crib (with 1-2 feedings), followed by another hour of sleep (and cuddling) with Mama in her bed. Naps have been a challenge, but we’ve started sleep training and he is (slowly) making progress.
– He still thinks his Big Sis is the best thing since sliced bread. When she holds him, he reaches for her face and gives her big sloppy kisses. Her squeals make him cry in 0.2 seconds (he shocks easily), but thankfully he can be quickly consoled (did I mention he likes to cuddle?).
– He’s a Little Chunk! When he starts to get hungry he’ll squeal and frantically stick his entire fist, or any nearby toy, into his mouth.
Here are his stats:
– Length/height of 27 in, 99%
– Weight of 18 lb 6 oz, 90%
– Head circumference of 41 3/4 cm, 50%
– He’s a talker! I was convinced that a second-born would be more quiet and passive, since he’d have to contend with a very talkative older sister. But who am I kidding? I am a second-born! Like his Mama, he is anything but quiet! He coos, gurgles, giggles, squeals…lemme tell you, this kid has some lungs on him!
– He is rolling! My Little Mover started rolling in both directions just after he turned 3 months old. It took me a while to catch his moves on video, but I finally managed it…
Type in “wright” to watch the video.
We LOVE our Little Mister! Happy 4 months, baby boy!
He is precious! Melts my heart to see that big smile and hear those giggles. Happy 4 months, dear Elliott!
All too cute for words…. His facial expressions are priceless. (Enjoyed the previous post as well as all the pictures showcasing your beach vacation at Topsail.)
Love Love Love
Loved your pixs and the story line. Very nice. Love you all.