Fall Fun

It’s the last day of November and you know what that means, don’t ya?!  It means this is the day to write a big-ole-hodge-podge post about all of the family adventures we’ve enjoyed this fall, of course!  (Duh.)

First, there was the Pumpkin Farm field trip with the Little Lady’s preschool class…


Here’s the Prelude to the Pumpkin Farm adventure…
(type in “wright” to watch video)


Once at the farm with the Little Missy’s class, we checked out the goats and chickens (and cows, and pigs, and dogs…)

Learned about cotton plants with Miss Pam

Managed the pumpkin-choosing process: “Daddy, I want THIS one!  No wait, I mean THAT one!!!”
(A certain Little Sassy Someone may have been suffering from low blood sugar by this point.  Or maybe she was just annoyed that she had to wear a t-shirt that was 10 times too large for her…and clearly not the right accessory for her sunglasses.)

After aforementioned pumpkin-induced-meltdown, were saved by snack-time

Savored the autumnal moment with our easy-to-please Little Mr. Sidekick

And ended with lots of smiles!

Then we hopped aboard the Pumpkin Express Train at the Life & Science Museum…

Tickets in-hand, we waited excitedly for the arrival of our Choo-Choo-Chariot

Took the obligatory awkward-family-photo-while-squished-together-in-one-tiny-row, on said Chariot

And then once off of the train, finally got down to business (pumpkin-picking-business, that is)!

“Annabelle, give us a happy face!”
“Mama, this IS my happy face!”

Picked a special pumpkin for the sweet Little Mister

Paused to give a shout-out from Mama’s Little (thumb-sucking) Hoodlums

Relished some face-painting, apple-eating goodness

And then chugged back home (err…back to the museum)!

And finally, we rocked out at our neighborhood’s annual Oktoberfest…
(alongside our good friends, the Mugfords)

Beyond the really terrible food that we actually decided to eat (free must mean good, right?…oh wait, we’re not in college anymore), we went bonkers at the bounce-house, played all sorts of carnival games (read: how many ways can we get kids to throw bean bags though a hole?),

Brought out the Little Missy’s inner cowgirl,


And of course, paused once more to cherish our ever-content (so long as milk and sleep are a-plenty) Little Mister.  He, in turn, dreamed about all of the fun fall adventures that he, too, would be able to fully enjoy one day.

Once he could stay up for more than 3 hours at a time, that is.



3 thoughts on “Fall Fun

  1. Aunt Marjorie says:

    Dear Julie, Mike, Annabelle and Elliot,

    I really enjoyed the pixs and the accompanying story line. You brought out the best of fall. Happy Holidays ahead for you.
    Love you all

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