I often tell people that I report to two very cute, very sweet, and very demanding, Little Bosses…
What a pair they are. But let’s be honest, folks, at this point our hive is still ruled by one Little Queen Bee. The Little Mister is new to the game of running his Mama around like a crazy person. The true (Little) Boss of our home (and my sanity) is none other than our wonderful, hilarious, exasperating, vibrant, 2 1/2 year-old Little Miss.
Here’s an update on all that she’s been up to lately. Well, at least all of the stuff I’ve actually captured on camera. 🙂
Just after her latest haircut!
(As well as the week of her first dentist appointment…where she was a perfect Little Patient!)
Quite the Little Musical Aficionado, she loves to play her Daddy’s “Tee-Tar”
(Or ukulele, for those of you observant folks)
We like to call this the “Benjamin Franklin look.”
True to form, she’s quite the budding Little Academic.
She knows all of her letters, and can count to 30. And reading books is still a favorite past-time…
Especially when it means that she can stall my efforts to put her to bed.
Never one to get too serious, though,
our Little Miss Ham can always be counted on for a good laugh!
She wants so much to be Mommy’s Little Helper with her Baby Bro.
I’m pretty sure that she is teaching him all sorts of mischievous tricks
so that they can gang up against me.
Alas, I’m outnumbered. They got me beat.
Yeah, and did I mention that she doesn’t like naps anymore?
I took this shot after one of her latest nap-strikes.
This is exactly how I found her after she talked and sang in her bed for 1 1/2 hours…straight.
And WHERE did she learn all of her trouble-making ideas, you ask?
Here’s a hint…
(Doesn’t Daddy look divine in his headband?)
Yes, she’s a Daddy’s Girl for sure. He’s her #1 pal!
(And dance partner, jungle gym, sous chef, bag boy, etc…)
As I mentioned before, she loves to help out.
And she’s determined to be as independent as possible.
Hearing “I DO IT MYSELF!” a hundred times a day drives me a little batty,
but I’m proud of her for being so curious and confident.
This Little Girl of ours is a handful and a hoot.
She keeps us on our toes, and laughing all the way!
Watch out, world!
Love her so much!!!
She’s certainly got a mind of her own – Wonder where she got that?? (I have recollections of a similar young lass . . .) Happy Valentine’s Day to Miss Antics Annabelle and her Baby Bro. We love them dearly!!