Just the other day the Little Miss said to me, with a BIG emotive sigh and her classic pensive wrinkled brow…
“MOM. I decided – I just CAN’T WAIT to be 30.”
To which I laughed, put on my best all-knowing-yet-loving-mommy-look, and gave her some sort of response (that I’ve already forgotten but I’m sure was absolutely brilliant) about how there’s nothing better than being a kid, and she doesn’t need to rush to grow up, and old people like Mama are slow and creaky, and, and…well, go run off and have some fun.
And you know what? It’s true.
It’s pretty grand to be a kid. Especially in the fall.
Like having smores and sparklers with pals on cool fall evenings…
(Dinner is served.)
And getting to be as wild and silly as you want at your school’s Halloween party…
(Sugar in, crazy OUT!!!)
(Sigh. Do you think he’ll let me dress him up like this again next year?
And the year after that?!?)
(Just had to throw these two in. Because HANDLE BARS.)
Taking super fun class trips to nearby farms…
(I’d like to entitle these two photos as “The Little Mister’s happy place”)
(They may be sun-blind, but at least they’re cute!)
(Our back-up plan for the Little Miss in case those college applications don’t work out.)
(Many woeful wails may have been expressed upon the removal of
a certain Little Sir Farmer from his big metal steed.)
Family excursions to find the very best pumpkins this side of the Mason-Dixon line…
(“Mo twactor! Mo twactor!!!!!”)
And finding time to enjoy the season with people we love.
(A certain Little Miss may have been allowed to play hookie from school so she could
spend time with an “old” school pal who was tracked out for a few weeks.)
(“Happy birthday, Pops! Wow, you must be old! Are YOU 30 yet?!”)
Yeah, being a kid is where it’s at.
And thank goodness I’m not 30 yet!!! (*cough*)
What a fun fall! And what adorable proof of the kick it is to be a kid!
Oh, to be 30 again! NOT…
I don’t want to go back and relive any other part of my life (except to have the energy and stamina of a kid). It sure is fun watching your kids play and grow up!