Well here we are, 4 1/2 months into this whole crazy homeschooling business and we’re kickin’ it like ROCKSTARS.
….Or more like working our tails off and barely keeping our heads above water (the Hubs and me, at least).
But the Little Miss is LEARNING with a smile on her face and a twinkle her eye (most of the time). And her Lil Bros are gleaning a bunch as well and haven’t totally destroyed the house (and my sanity)…yet.
So I call that a win(ish)!
Here’s the latest…
Literature & Art
(plus some Geography and Math shapes for good measure)
Just an example, from the story of Little Babaji
(and the Lil Mister’s contribution)
Service and Volunteerism
The Little Miss served with me for 6 months as World Relief Friendship Partners for a Congolese family.
Home Economics
She actually asks to do this!
Science & History
I. Eno River Schoolhouse of Wonder with our CC Co-Op
This was such a great field trip. We learned about the lives of early settlers, how to (safely) start a fire, how to set a trap, how to make butter, how to differentiate animal skull bones, searched for bugs, went on hikes, and had an all-around fun time!
And the Littles were so tired that they actually napped afterwards.
II. Zoo Class with our CC Co-Op
Rhinos and elephants and chimps and lions and polar bears and seal lions and sooooooooo much more. It was awesome getting to be at the zoo on a weekday when we pretty much had the place to ourselves!
In other words, the Littles could run around as wild and curious as they liked and I didn’t care (or freak myself out envisioning losing one of them in a mass of humanity).
III. Duke Gardens Nature Study and Storytime
The Volunteers here have fallen in love with our exuberant and inquisitive Little Miss and dote on her whenever we are there.
Meaning that for a few sweet minutes I get to kick back and relax (and try to not stress about IF and HOW and WHEN I’m doing enough to shepherd my Young Pupil).
IV. Life & Science Museum
We basically live there. In the mud.
V. Taking Teddy (the Dog) for a Check-Up
With a Very Verbose Vet who was quite generous with his time and (clearly) loves to teach.
And All of the Above and so much MORE
with Girl Scouts!
So there you have it…
We did a lot.
She learned a bit.
We’re all still alive.
Kids’ heaven! I want to sign up 🙂
Great job, Mama Teacher! Looks like wonderful learning times.
A very busy family with lots of exciting discoveries
I LOVE reading your blogs–think that is the correct terminology.
Best wishes to you all for a very Merry Christmas.