A Very Merry Christmas

Christmas Morning Crazy

(With Ma and Pa a wee bit hazy)

Christmas Afternoon Delights

(And all sorts of Storm Trooper fire fights)

Christmas Dinner Festivities

(With plenty of Wright family-centric activities!)

Christmas Video Wiggles

(That corresponded with lots of excited giggles)

To watch these videos, just shoot me an email and I’ll give you access to our private You Tube channel.  You will also need to have a Google account.


Merry Christmas Eve ~ 2017!

From the Wright family,

Wishing you and yours a very


There’s always gotta be a joker in the bunch…

Or two…

Oh, who are we kidding.

We’re raising a pack of wild hyenas.

But they’re pretty darn sweet too.

And none of them spilled hot wax on me this year!

It’s a Christmas Eve miracle!

The Littles are so excited for tomorrow’s surprises.

And we are too.

(Just hoping for a second Christmas Eve miracle in the form of a good night of sleep before the HOOPLA begins.)

Signing off with love

from Mr. and Mrs. Claus


Getting Excited For Christmas

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has visited and redeemed his people and has raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David…
ecause of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Luke 1:68-69, 78-79


From my morning run

Isn’t God the most beautiful Creator?

Christmas Lights

If you see a minivan cruising around your neighborhood with 3 Littles hanging out of the moon roof and Christmas tunes BLARING, it’s probably us…breakin’ the law and gettin’ our groove on.

Christmas Cooking

To the Lil Victor (Chef) goes the spoils

With Nena’s chocolate mousse, that is.

And Christmas Cookies!

Decorating Party at our house on Christmas Eve day with our sweet buds, the Potter family

and…Cookie Party at Miss Gina’s!

(Don’t be fooled by the Lil Sir’s face.  He had a ball…and a delectable dinner of cookies and frosting.)

Family Dinner with all of the Wrights

Christmas Crafts & Schoolwork

Nutcracker Performance – Take I

With our CC Homeschool Community

(many snacks included)

(and bunnies, apparently)

Nutcracker Performance – Take II

This time with Nena!

Birthday Party for Jesus!

With our CC Community, and including the kids doing a fun re-enactment of the nativity story

And the grand performance…

(The Little Miss read the part for the Shepherds,
in front of tons of people, no less!)

We love Christmas!


(type in “wright” to watch)

Christmas train from M Wright on Vimeo.
