Goin’ On a Tree Hunt

We’re goin’ on a TREE hunt
We’re going to catch a big one,
I’m not scared
What a beautiful day!

Beautiful, and somewhat chilly and drizzly day.  A few Little People may have been chilled during the excursion because they “forgot” to listen to their very Wise and Sage Mama when she told them to put on warm jackets…and pants.

Sigh.  I just love listening to myself talk.

Nevertheless, we persevered.

Daddy cuddles to the rescue.

Tractor to the rescue too.

And some parent-friendly trees.  If you catch my drift.

Ain’t he so cute all caged-up?

Then back at home…

First time for the Little Sir to hang the star!

Big Sis and Big Bro were there too, just upstairs…pretending to tidy their rooms as they wrested and screamed.  We just carried on and turned up the Christmas tunes.

He may have gotten totally freaked out by the height of the tree, but with Daddy’s help he pushed through.

The Little Proud Tree-Light-Hanger-Man.
And his Accomplice.

Yes, Little People, we will let you use the remote for the Christmas tree lights.  BUT NOT UNTIL YOU SMILE.

Obligatory funny face photo.

Christmas is coming!

Get excited!


Happy Easter!


from the Wrights!

“Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago…

On this mountain he will swallow up death forever.  The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces…In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us.  This is the Lord, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”
Isaiah 25: 1 & 8-9

“The Lord is God, and he has made his light shine on us…
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.”
Psalm 118: 27 & 29

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”
Philippians 4:4

“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth…”
Job 19:25


And keepin’ it real…

Once the Easter Eggs have been opened and the the chocolate and jelly beans are flowing…

“Let the wild rumpus start!”
– Where the Wild Things Are


Parenting Little People Through Christmas ~ Lessons Learned

Christmas.  What a rollicking holiday it can be, chock-full of parties, school performances, church services, cookie baking, gingerbread house making, carol singing, and more.  As the parents of (growing) Littles it seems that each Christmas becomes busier than the one before.  And so each year the hubs and I try hard to be thoughtful about our family’s holiday plans, aiming to make them heavy on the joy and Jesus and light on the stress and strain.  And each year we score some wins, suffer a few fails, and learn a whole lot in the process.

And so as we wrap up our “Round 6” of this whole Parenting Little People Through Christmas experience, I’d like to share a few buds of wisdom that I gleaned from the holiday.  Get excited.


1) Despite that internal Mommy voice nagging at you to JUST KEEP SHOOTING, it’s probably best to not get your hopes up for capturing “the perfect” family photo on Christmas morning.  Because the chance of finding a moment when everyone is actually looking and cheerful (or at least not p-oed), and no is being pummeled by a sibling is slim to none.




2) No matter how overflowing your daughter’s dress-up box may already be, there can NEVER BE TOO MUCH PRINCESS.  We’re talking princess dresses, princess hair, princess art projects, princess books, princess bear (thanks to the financial black hole that is the Build-a-Bear workshop).  There’s no end to the princess possibilities!  So just lean in, embrace your inner sparkle, and remember that no matter what you buy her she’ll always just want to “look like Elsa.”

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3) Boys are simple.  And your Little Man can never, ever, ever have enough trains.




Other moving vehicles are neat.  Amusing even.


But trains?  That’s where it’s at.

As in ALL OVER YOUR HOUSE.  (Maybe pick up some steel-toed slippers for yourself while you’re out.)


4) You can, in fact, get away with buying your third-born just 1 or 2 gifts.  That is if, and only if, one of those gifts is a “GAH-BAGE TWUCK!!!”  Then you’re golden.


5) It’s helpful to marry a man who combines an endearing mixture of creativity, frugality, and complete and utter devotion to his children.  The outcome – in the present department, that is – can be pretty fantastic.




6) No matter what you say or do, or how many bibs, utensils, napkins, or threats of “Daddy’s pulling out the garden hose!” you provide, your 3-year-old son WILL turn his Christmas dessert into a sticky, goopy, uber-disgusting face mask.  It’s just what he’s gotta do.


7) When you are at the brink of exhaustion, having spent all of your I-must-make-Christmas-magical-and-wonderful-and-memorable-for-my-children-who-would-probably-have-been-just-as-happy-with-a-box-off-styrofoam-peanuts-and-a-spoonful-of-frosting energy, you should dump your kids in the car and MAKE HASTE to your parents-in-laws’ house…



Where you can pawn off your overly-stimulated Littles on their aunts, uncles, and cousins and drown your exhaustion in a plate full of ham and a glass full of vino.








8) And finally, when all of the festivities come to an end and you find a brief moment for reflection (as you squeeze yourself between the mounds ribbons and wrapping paper on your couch), you will ultimately conclude that all of the planning, the late-night projects, the self-imposed stress, and the occasional meltdowns were worth it.

Because of this.  (Err…These?)


And because of the birth of JESUS, Christmas IS a beautiful, wonderful, amazing time of year…deserving of every bit of celebration and hoopla we can muster.

(And you have 364 days until you have to pull off the whole crazy feat again!)

A few video snippets from our Christmas morning.  Type in “wright” to watch.


