Mama, Daddy and I got to party-hardy all weekend with a bunch of friends from our church.
It was so much fun! We hope you had a great time celebrating as well!
Well, I best be off. You know how it is… places to go, people to see.
A baby’s life is always busy, busy, busy!
We had a great time celebrating the Little Lady’s first Easter…
(Disclaimer: Party-pooper Daddy wants to inform you that this is the only headband-sanctioned event this year)
The holiday weekend was extra special because it included a visit from Nena and Pops. The Little Miss had a ball playing with her grandparents, and celebrating Nena’s birthday. I’m not going to tell you how old Nena is…let’s just say she’s Socially Secure now (and I’m not talking about BFFs)!
Pops, Belly-Boo & Ms. Senior Discount
Presents are cool, but wrapping is better!
Three generations of Plaxico ladies
It was a wonderful and blessed holiday weekend. Now we’re just looking forward to next Easter when the Little Miss can give the Easter Bunny a run for his money!