Daddies Do Dance!

Don’t tell him I told you this, but Mike is awesome.  He’s hands down the best, most loving, most FUN Daddy in the world.


And then mix him with some very imaginative kiddos and you end up with a whole lotta silly.

Case in point: I just found this gem when I was clearing out the camera the other day…

(Type in “wright” to watch.  And make sure you have the sound turned up.  You don’t want to miss the dialogue!)

Too much!  When I found it I could not stop laughing.

This video is definitely making a second appearance on the Little Missy’s wedding day.

(Which means that we have a long long LONG  time to wait…since I’ve already made her promise that she’ll live with her Daddy and me forever.  And which means Mike has plenty of time to perfect all of his awesome dance moves.)


Morning mischief

It’s the morning.

Kids are fed, dishes are done.

Mama sits down for a brief moment of hot coffee and quiet.


And then she hears it…


“What a mess!  No!  DON’T EAT THAT!”

Mama sets down her beloved caffeinated friend and runs to the nearby room to find…


Shredder paper.

Knocked out and dumped all over the office.


Shredder paper.

Being gathered and piled and stuck to whatever surface it can find.


Shredder paper.

 Being tossed into the air while two very excited Little Misfits squeal in delight,

“It’s raining!  Look Mama, it’s raining!”


Shredder paper.

Being licked and chewed by a baby who is too confused and excited to know any better.


Shredder paper.

Darn you, shredder paper!!!

And WHO, pray tell, did this dastardly deed belong to?!?

I’ll give you a hint.


That’s right, folks.

Despite my older children’s penchant for rowdy and mischievous behavior,

this naughty act of knocking over the shredder belongs to none other than

the Little Sir.


You know what they say…

It’s always the quiet ones who you have to watch out for.
