Why hello there, world. Let me introduce you to the heart of our family…
It’s none other than our tenderhearted, effervescent Little Miss.
Our SIX-YEAR-OLD Little Miss, that is!
Her arrival in the early morning hours of July 9, 2010 was quintessential Annabelle – totally wild, crazy fast, and full of emotion. We were overjoyed to meet her.
(And to be done with that whole labor business…phew!)
Now I may affectionately call her one of my “Littles,” but there is nothing little (or quiet) about my passionate girl. Ever since her crazy-hard-wonderful arrival, the Little Miss has been living life BIG in every possible way.
She’s big on FUN,
Big on LAUGHS,
Big on ENERGY,
(I’m telling you, this Lil String-Bean never stops moving…even in her sleep.)
(What can I say? The girl’s got moxie.)
Big on PLAY,
(especially outside, where her imagination and enthusiasm can run rampant)
(And opinions! And more feelings! And maybe another feeling after that! For the life of me, I can’t fathom where she inherited it all from…)
Big on SMARTS,
(She has about 1,000,000 questions, storylines, and songs running through her head at any given moment. And just when you’re about to keel over in exhaustion from trying to talk to her about it all, she’ll ask you to read her a book.)
Big on STYLE,
(And in my eyes, so long as she can dress herself she can wear whatever she wants. Hooray for big girl independence!)
(Pied Piper, Social Butterfly, Ringleader, Chief Trouble Maker…whatever you want to call her, the girl is magnetic.)
Big on FAMILY,
And big on LOVE.
(She wrote this note as a surprise for me after an evening when I had been really upset. She taped it up so whenever I saw it my “heart would feel happy.” Sob!)
And so to our sweet, sassy Little Miss Annabelle Jane on her 6th birthday, may I say…
Daddy and I adore you. We think you are amazing and we know that God will use you and your many gifts to do BIG things in the world. You are a treasure, and each and every day since your birth you have made our hearts so very happy and have filled our home with LOVE.
Happy Birthday, baby girl.
6-year-old birthday stats:
– Height: 48.5 inches (94%)
– Weight: 49.4 lbs (73%)