First Steps!

The Little Mover has kept us on pins and needles these past few days as we’ve watched (and attempted to video) some of her first few steps…

On Monday she took her first two steps on her own…but then opted to crawl as soon as the camera came out.

On Tuesday she took seven steps…and again clammed up with “stage fright” (which in her case means the giggles).

On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday she apparently needed to take a breather…or just build our anticipation?

And then on Sunday, we finally caught her in the act!  She took 5 whole steps on her own, and so of course we grabbed he camera and started taping.

True to form, our girl got the sillies and made taping her a wee bit difficult.  But we did it!  I mean she did it!

Type in “belly” to watch the video.


Little Person, Big Personality!

Our Little Miss may be itty bitty, but she’s got personality out the wazoo!

It is hilarious to watch her test out her growing abilities…particularly the use of her vocal cords!

(Type in “belly” to watch this video of my Little Diva in the making)

Grammie and Grandpop got to experience Annabelle’s overflowing exuberance first-hand when they visited us a few weekends ago.  Saturday had been a fun and stimulation-filled day for the Little Lady, what with so many family members over at our house.  So when I put her down to bed that evening, she crashed hard.

…Or so we thought.

At about 9pm she started babbling and rolling around in her crib.  The babbles quickly turned into cries, as our Little Party Animal was not happy being left out of the fun that she knew was taking place downstairs.  I went up and tried to rock her back to sleep, but to no avail.  There were visitors downstairs and, by golly, she had hostess duties to attend to!

So I brought her downstairs and, for the next hour, Annabelle entertained us.  Arms a-flappin’, tushie a-wigglin’, voice a-squealin’ and lips a-kissin’…my happy Little Gal was a sight to see! 🙂

The video below was taken near the end of her performance, so it doesn’t do justice to the hilarity of the moment.  Nonetheless, here’s a little peak into our loud wild evening…

(Again, type in “belly” to watch the video)

Suffice it to say, she may be little in stature, but not in personality!
