Snowpocalypse 2015

Roads are closed.
Workdays are suspended.
Schools are cancelled.

For the much feared…much discussed…much dreaded…
North Carolina Snowpocalypse of 2015!!!!

Or otherwise known as…a light snowy dusting.


As in maybe an inch of snow with a bit of ice on the tippy-top.

But there is enough for our snow-deprived Littles to enjoy!

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The Little Sir was hankering to get in on the action too.


So of course Daddy obliged.



Light though it is, it’s a good thing this snow finally showed up.



Because the Little Miss was starting to show some real doubts in the veracity of her parents.

Here we are, night after night reading her books about “winter.”
Books that are filled to the brim with pictures of snow and snowflakes
and snowmen and snow angels and snow dogs and snow cones…

Okay, so maybe not the last one.  But you get my point.

SNOW, by golly!!!


She got to the point recently that she told me (in her most adamant and irritated Little Miss voice),

“Mommy, it is NOT winter.  It is FALL.
Because all of the leaves have fallen off the trees and there is NO SNOW.
So it’s NOT WINTER!”

Thankfully for us Mother Nature finally got her act together
and gave our Littles some snow to play in.


All is well in the world again.

And Mama still knows everything.


Snow Day – Love Day

This past week North Carolina (and most of the east coast) was hit with a big snow storm.  The kids were thrilled, while Daddy and I were a bit wary.  Because lemme tell you, folks, no one who is uber pregnant and nearing her due date wants to be stuck in a snow storm.  Just ask that poor lady in Atlanta.

But Baby #3 behaved him/herself and stayed put, while his/her siblings had a blast playing outside in the snow.

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After a lot of snowball and sledding revelry, Mike and the kids worked on this masterpiece…


While I did some “nesting” outside and burned off a bit of my anxious energy.


It would have all been fine, if not for a certain Hubby outing me to the doctor after I had promised that I had been taking it easy.  I mean seriously folks, I’m really pregnant…and a pregnant gal has got to nest!

Though in Mike’s defense, we did have to spend 3 hours at the hospital on Friday so they could run some tests and make sure that the baby was okay.  Now rest assured, this had absolutely nothing to do with my little dance with the snow shovel.  And all of the tests confirmed that Baby #3 is fine and moving around like a Little Champ.  So as I see it… no harm – no foul.

After our chilly playtime we warmed up with some Valentines’ Day pancakes and treats…


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Now I’d like to make it publicly known that despite my forthcoming baby explosion AND the mighty snow storm, I still managed to buy my Honey a card and a few little gifts.  He, on the other hand, had nothing but a big smile for me.  Let’s just all remember this and remind a certain Tall Red Haired Man that he owes me.  Particularly after I deliver him his third child.

But I digress.  Back to the Littles.  We wrapped up our snow-love days with lots of crazy play indoors (emphasis on the crazy), more nesting, and a bit of “princess time.”

As you can see, the Little Mister was not coerced in anyway, but rather was pleased as punch to get to play this game with his Big Sis.  What a (lovely Little) Goof.


So we survived the big snowstorm of 2014 with most of our sanity intact.  The kids loved it, and we loved not racing through the snow and ice to get to the hospital.

But stay tuned, people.  That day is just around the corner!
