Roads are closed.
Workdays are suspended.
Schools are cancelled.
For the much feared…much discussed…much dreaded…
North Carolina Snowpocalypse of 2015!!!!
Or otherwise known as…a light snowy dusting.
As in maybe an inch of snow with a bit of ice on the tippy-top.
But there is enough for our snow-deprived Littles to enjoy!
The Little Sir was hankering to get in on the action too.
So of course Daddy obliged.
Light though it is, it’s a good thing this snow finally showed up.
Because the Little Miss was starting to show some real doubts in the veracity of her parents.
Here we are, night after night reading her books about “winter.”
Books that are filled to the brim with pictures of snow and snowflakes
and snowmen and snow angels and snow dogs and snow cones…
Okay, so maybe not the last one. But you get my point.
SNOW, by golly!!!
She got to the point recently that she told me (in her most adamant and irritated Little Miss voice),
“Mommy, it is NOT winter. It is FALL.
Because all of the leaves have fallen off the trees and there is NO SNOW.
So it’s NOT WINTER!”
Thankfully for us Mother Nature finally got her act together
and gave our Littles some snow to play in.
All is well in the world again.
And Mama still knows everything.