Our charming Little Sir turned a whopping ONE month old today. He celebrated the special milestone in his typical fashion…
With just enough awake time to eat and poop and eat some more…
And then top off his special day with a nice relaxing nap…
Followed by another…
And another…
And what the heck, how about one more?!?
As you can see, ladies and gents, our Little (Sleepy) Sir is one wild and crazy guy.
But in those rare moments when he does actually grace us with some alertness, he’s the sweetest Little Cuddlebug you ever did see.
And then he takes a nap…
1 Month Stats:
Height – 23.5 inches (>100%)
Weight – 11lb 13.5 oz (93%)
Head Circumference – 37.7cm (67%)
He is absolutely precious!!
Looks like the little sleepyhead had to wake up or Elliott’s foot would have landed in his mouth 🙂 Happy one month birthday to our adorable Little Sir!
Elliott and Annabelle look so old!
Wowwwwww they really look alike. It is amazing!!! So precious AAAAAAND incredible that you got all three of them to sit together SMILING!!!! Way to go!!! Loving your little sleeper. Hope he is doing a little of that for you at night 🙂
Love you ALL!!