First Day of School ~ 2016

Happy 1st Day of School!


Let me introduce you to…

(drumroll please)

The Little Miss Kindergartner
The Little Mister Pre-K(er)
and for the first time ever,
The Little Sir Preschooler!


Okay, okay, so the Little Miss actually started school in August.

And the Little Sir doesn’t officially start until tomorrow.

But whatev, we’re unorthodox like that.  Out of the box.  Bonafide Picture-Taking REBELS, even.

Or…maybe just lazy.  And a wee bit disorganized.


Oh, and if you’re wondering…

Yes, the Little Mister is always kooky like this.

And our household is ALWAYS insane.  And loud.

As I’ve shared before, I’m basically raising a troop of monkeys.


I think the Little Sir may be the only one of us who is not totally off his rocker.  Which is good, because someone’s gotta pay the bills and change our diapers one day.


And so to all of our Fellow Parent Sojourners our there, traveling with us on this wild and overwhelming journey we like to call “School,” (and just trying to hold on for dear life), we wish you well!

And we hope that all of your Little (Scholar) Monkeys keep you laughing as much as ours do.


Or at least that they don’t drive you totally bananas.

Yeah, that’d work too.


3 thoughts on “First Day of School ~ 2016

  1. Nena (Grandma Nancy) says:

    Sir William looks so proud to be one of the Big (School) Kids. And I’ll bet it won’t take him long to learn some crazy monkey moves. Love and happy school days to you all!

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