For the Little Sir, who is THREE!

Cute as a button
Silly as can be
My darling Little Sir
I can’t believe you’re THREE!

You are clever, smart and thoughtful
And always so aware
Even though you still refuse
To try out Big Boy underwear.

You always make us laugh
You’re full of so much joy
And with a dash of sass and wit
You’re definitely a Daddy’s Boy.

Your blue eyes so expressive
As you ponder the world around
You’re quiet and serene till you’re not
Then look out! Your words abound!

Romping through the woods
Armed with swords, buckets and rainboots
You and your beloved siblings
Are always in cahoots.

Oh my sweet Little William
How I love to watch you grow
I’ll always be your greatest fan
Wherever you may go.

But now don’t be in a hurry
My heart can’t take it, you see.
For no matter how big you grow
My Baby you will always be.


Little Sir William!

3 Year Old Stats:
– Height: 95.9cm (58%)
– Weight: 31lb 12.8oz (44%)


2 thoughts on “For the Little Sir, who is THREE!

  1. Nena (Grandma Nancy) says:

    He has totally won our hearts in these three years and we love him to pieces! Happy Happy Birthday to dear Sir William!!!

  2. Betty says:

    Oh My.
    Hard to believe your youngest is already 3 years old.
    Thanks so much for the family photos.
    I am not sure who is having the most fun–the parents or the children!

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