Quick side-note. Err…Pre-note? Anyways, the Hubs (a.k.a. Web Designer Extraordinaire) developed a fancy new blog design for me. Ain’t it purdy?!? He’s a keeper. The Hubs, I mean. And the blog too! I hope you enjoy the new site as much as I do!
The Little Miss and I are very lucky to have some fabulous men in our lives…
Even Teddy, the oft forgotten pup of ours (though don’t feel too badly for him; our family’s rapid procreation may have knocked him down the totem pole a few pegs, but he’s kept well fed in treats and table scraps by our youngest members).
And so this post is dedicated to the two “Big Boys” in our family – Daddy Mike and the Little Mister – and their recent adventures.
Daddy-Son Night Out
(a.k.a. Big Sis is sick, so let’s go nosh on some burgers!)
Little Mister: “This is the best place EVER!”
(It’s like music to Mike’s beef-deprived ears)
Father’s Day Celebration at Preschool
And Poppy came too!
All of the Bear (Transitional Kindergarten class) Daddies
The Littles were so proud to give Daddy their gifts.
(Below: A portrait of Mike as a jellyfish.
I’ll let you come to your own conclusions…)
And then drum-roll, please…
The Little Mister’s 1/2 Birthday Party at School!
For all of you math geniuses out there, let me clarify that as a June baby, the Little Mister does not actually celebrate his 1/2 birthday in March. But true to form, our kiddos got sick with all sorts of lovely maladies this winter and the birthday celebrations at school had to be postponed.
Undeterred, we sprayed ourselves down with Lysol and (sloooooooowly) recuperated. And then got ready to PARTY…Lamb class style!!!
The Birthday Boy with Miss Bobbie
Let me just say in no uncertain terms that WE ADORE MISS BOBBIE! I keep asking her to educate our children forever but she just laughs at me. Seriously, people, the woman is made of pure sugar, joy, and patience. Amazing.
The birthday party was a family affair!
Daddy even got to T.A. in the class that day.
What a lucky (read: tired) guy!
Big Bro did a great job making the Lil Sir feel welcome
And the kids in the Lambs class are all so fun
“Earth to girls. Earth to girls. Can you hear me?”
“May-day! May-day! We need birthday treats STAT!”
Saying the blessing before snack
And then it was time to feast!
We loved celebrating our (almost) 4 year old Little Mister!
What a doll.
He takes after his Daddy.