ARRRRR You Ready For Cousin Camp?!?!

Take a house on the shores of the Chesapeake,

1 (highly) energetic Grandma,

7 (especially) crazy Little People,

2 summer (and cocktail) lovin’ Mamas,

and what do you get?!?


Version 2018!

But I’m jumping ahead of myself.

Let me start at the beginning

with The-Cousins-Aren’t-Here-Yet-And-We-Have-Wiggles-To-Woggle


Otherwise knows as, a…


Thanks to Captain Nena!

ARRRRR, Maties!

Some of us were more ferocious looking than others…

We Buccaneers boarded our mighty Man-O-War and were off on a grand adventure!

We even found some LOOT!

Seadogs and Scallywags alike, we all had a swashbucklin’ good time.

Once we became Land Lubbers again,

it was time to shout “AHOY!” to our Cousins!

And head back out to the Big Blue.

For there were battles to wage,

castles to storm,

and doubloons to pilfer!

The waters were often treacherous,

with scurvy dogs who wanted to scuttle our ship

and turn our crew into shark bait.

The sandy shore offered some respite for our Little Pirates.

A time to gather at the scuttled butt, rest our weary bones, and plan for the next attack.

Or just take a nap.

Especially when you’re just a Wee Laddie Pirate.

Or a (tired) Pirate Mama Lass.

Mermaids graced our shores as well.

Mermaids, that is, with a special fondness for all things chocolate and volleyball.

Needing to rest our sea-weary bones a bit, we battened down the hatches and enjoyed some grog with the locals.

(Yay for a visit from Seafarers Uncle Jeff and Aunt Betty!!)

And then raised the union jack again and, led by the Fearless Captain Nena, set sail for another adventure!

Ever see a Pirate hike?

Well, at least some of them did.

Land-bound we may have been, but we were sure there was still enemy forts to storm and booty to be found!

And mosquitoes.  Lots and lots of mosquitoes.

They must have been drawn to our delightful (sweaty) Pirate aroma.

Even wobblin’ along on our sea legs, the hike was worth the effort!

That’s right, me hearties.

It’s a grand thing to get to be a PIRATE at Cousin Camp.

Especially when you have such a MERRY CREW to sail with!


School Daze

It’s the middle of summer and I’m reminiscing – nay dreaming! – about our glorious school days.  Oh preschool, how I love thee.

Anyhoo, I’ve been meaning to post some final photos from this past school year.  Photos that I like to affectionately call:

Yep, These Are Definitely The Children Of Julie

We’ll start with the Little Miss and the Little Mister in their class photos, and their mastery of what my sister Ashley has nicknamed “The Julie Bum Face” (definition: to appear in a photo utterly dazed, dismayed, or befuddled…particularly when compared with others in said photo who are obnoxiously bright-eyed and bushy-tailed).




(Photo credit: Alaina Barth)

And then we’ll move along to the photos of their class trip to the strawberry farm.

We started the day commemorating our inner goofy-ness (oh yes, I’m sure that’s a word)…





And then took on the strawberry patch with as much verve and gusto as we could muster…





Well, most of us did.


Our enthusiasm lasted a whole walloping 5 minutes, until we were all super red-faced and sweaty…and so opted to abandon our energetic quest for some shade and sustenance (SNACK TIME!!!).



Oh, and some fun bonding time with friends (in the SHADE!!!).  We can never get enough friend time.



Yep, those are my babies.  My progeny.  My Lil Chips off the Ole Block…

Dazed and confused, full of heart and enthusiasm, and definitely not made to be farmers.


Children for Hire

Wright Family Classifieds

Children For Hire

Skills include…

Laundry services
(Subsequent screams and rumpled clothes included, free of charge)



Dance lessons
(Funny face illustrations can be provided for an extra fee of chocolate)



Road building
(Disclaimer: Several laws may have been broken in the making of this ad)



(Our safety rating may be low, but our Lil Critics give us a thumb’s up for fun!)

M13 M14



Dental work
(Drilling for cavities is our Lil Technician’s particular favorite)



Dog Training
(With us your dog will learn the ever-important lessons of…
sharing his food, even if it means having it taken out of his own mouth,
providing the “soft cushion” in an all-out wrestling and hair-pulling match,
and being ridden around the house like a jolly ‘ole pony)


And Musical Performances

(Original songs include:
If You’re Naughty and You Know it Clap Your Hands,
Mary Had a Little Potty,
and everyone’s favorite,
I’ve Got Peace Like a River in my Butt)



Don’t delay!

Hire your very own Wright Child Laborer today!
