Soccer – Third Time’s a Charm!

I love sports.  The hubs loves sports.  So our Littles must love sports too, right?!  Something we are both passionate about has got to be passed along genetically to our progeny, don’t ya think?  It’s science!

Yeah, not so much…in the little years, at least.  Don’t get me wrong, our kiddos have always had fun running around and playing with balls (especially when it means Mommy has to chase said balls down the street as they roll into oncoming traffic…lemme tell you, it’s just HI-LAR-I-OUS).  But until recently, despite all of our encouragement, they haven’t shown much interest in actually competing.

Trying to ignite their excitement last year, I jumped the gun and signed the Little Miss and the Little Mister up for soccer.  And, well, that idea didn’t really fly.  Frankly, both of their seasons were pretty disastrous.  One quit after just the first game and the other spent the whole season intimidated and uninterested.

Mama FAIL.

Drained from the experience, the Hubs and I decided to forget about signing up the Littles for any organized sports for a while and wait “patiently” for them to show more interest (i.e., he was patient and I just pretended to be).

And then, low and behold, guess who woke up one morning and decided (all on her own and with her own brand of bubbly excitement) that she wanted to play soccer again?!


Not wanting her to relive another panic-stricken meltdown on the field I asked her repeatedly if she was “really, absolutely sure” because she “didn’t have to” and there were definitely going to be cootie-breeding BOYS on the field with her like last time.  You know, I took the low pressure route…I’m totally chill and zen like that.

She promised me she was.

And guess what?  She was right.



(type in “wright” to watch the videos)

We were lucky that the Little Miss was placed on a team that was full of girl buddies to giggle (and do dance moves) with, and that was led by some very sweet, encouraging coaches.

And together they had FUN.



She still wasn’t very aggressive on the field, but she no longer seemed to mind if others were (or if those “others” happened to be icky BOYS!!!).

The Little Miss played in her own whimsical way (pirouettes and cartwheels included), learned a bit about the game, and – most importantly – had a BALL.

Ball.  Get it?



Here’s my girl after her last game.  She was all smiles, and so proud to receive her very own (“solid gold!”) trophy.

And you know what?  She earned it.




I’m so proud of my courageous Little Miss.

To the victor goes the spoils.


Next up (so she tells me) – volleyball.  No wait, tennis.  Or maybe football.

Go big, girl.  Go big.




Last Day of School

And…It’s a wrap.
Another school year on the books.

(May 19, 2016)


I’m proud of my Littles for the great year that they had at TPPK.  And as usual, I’m totally shocked and bewildered by how fast the time went by.  Didn’t this happen just yesterday?!


My babies are growing up!!!

(Don’t get sucked in by their cuteness, people.  Those adorable grins just mask all of the mischief and mayhem they have planned for the summer.)


Daddy, the Little Sir and I joined the Little Mister and the Little Miss for their last day of school.  It was a sweet one, to be sure, complete with the requisite (and copious) tears from Mommy.

I know, I know…I can’t help myself.

First up!  The Little Mister.


Along with their diplomas, the kiddos received “widdle wambs” in honor of being a part of Miss Bobbie’s Lambs Class.  Mike caught these moments below, taken just seconds apart, when they received the stuffed animals.  I laughed when I saw them because they’re totally befitting of our sweet-and-saucy Lil Mister.

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The class performed some of their favorite songs for the parents.  My highlight is definitely the Little Mister showing off his signature move in the PB&J song (video #2).  Work it!

(Type in “wright” to watch)

No doubt, the Lambs Class had a great year together…


All thanks to the wonderful Miss Bobbie!


And then, next up.  (Sob!)  Our Little Miss!


This girl has spent FOUR WHOLE YEARS at TPPK, so her “graduation” felt like the end of an era!  I mean, seriously, the girl has gone to school there for most of her life!

It’s been such a fun ride…


Complete with some really amazing teachers who loved our girl so well.  (Sob again!)



Here’s another little video snippet, this time from the Little Miss and her fellow Bears.

Suffice, to say, the 2016 Bears Class had a blast together.


Thanks to the hilarious and exuberant Miss Kathy and Miss Julie!


So there you have it, folks.  School is finished and summer has commenced.


Let the good times roll!


(Oh, and let the prayers commence too!  And don’t forget that donations of wine and chocolate chip cookies!!!)


Happy Mother’s Day ~ 2016!

to all the sweet mamas out there!

I am so deeply grateful for these three Littles, plus one more who we’ll meet in heaven one day, who made me a Mama.  Being their Mom is the greatest honor and the most important role of my life.

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Thanks to the kids’ preschool, I was able to enjoy a whole week of Mother’s Day festivities.  They kicked things off with class parties and homemade presents…



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(Check out the Little Missy’s pants, courtesy of Aunt Ashley and Cousins Haley and Emily.  She pretty much was the talk of the entire school that day.  Hello hot pants!!!)




And then a field trip to pick berries at the strawberry farm!


In years past it has been crazy hot on our strawberry farm days, so we were grateful for the cooler weather that hit Durham this week.  As you may recall, my Littles were not made for hot manual labor.  And so armed with the (non-sweaty) resolve to actually pick a few strawberries this year, my Littles grabbed their containers and put on their game faces…

Here’s the Hyper-Ecstatic Game Face
(No kidding folks, this Little Miss sprinted up and down every row in the entire farm, all in search of the reddest, ripest berries)


The Bewildered Game Face
(The Little Mister picked berries like a champ, but all the while was more concerned about the location of his beloved Henrietta the Cow and Farmer Mark’s crazy flying chickens)



And finally the Let’s Get Down to BIZ-NESS Game Face
(Now I know this Little One picked a few berries, but all of them mysteriously never made it into any of our containers…)


Oh, and did I mention that Nena and Pops came to the farm too?!?  We put ’em straight to work.

Pops got the extra special job of getting to chase the wild Little Miss all over the farm and try to keep her from falling into a ditch.  Oh, and pick some strawberries too.


And then Pops got the job of making sure that none of the Littles fell into the nearby pond.  Ain’t he a lucky chap?

And yes, my children are SPIRITED…and then some.



Here’s evidence of the Little Sir’s strawberry picking shenanigans.  I think we can confidently charge Nena with aiding and abetting.


So there you have it, folks…our Mother’s Day (err…week) extravaganza.  It was pretty exhausting but also a whole lot of fun.

Here’s hoping your Mother’s Day is filled with fun and love (and, Lord help us, maybe a nap?!) as well!!!  Happy Mother’s Day!

