Guess who turned 7 months old!
International (Little) Man of Mystery…
The Little Sir!
Love. Love. Love.
Guess who turned 7 months old!
International (Little) Man of Mystery…
The Little Sir!
Love. Love. Love.
You wanna know why?!
I’m excited because I turned 6 months old on August 18!
I just love everything about being 6 months old.
I love being a Lil’ Chunk-a-lunk.
(Yet another nickname I am called by my Mama…often…in public.
The woman has no bounds.)
Would you like a roll with that “cheese”?
I love sucking my thumb.
(And the Orthodontist will one day too. Can you say “CHA-CHING”?!)
I love grabbing my toes.
I love talking and laughing.
(Betcha didn’t know I can talk bird!)
(Type in “wright” to watch all of the videos.)
I love eating big-kid food.
(Sometimes I even let Mama help.)
Here’s a video of me eating my first solids EVER. Oscar worthy, no?
I love playing with all sorts of weird crap my siblings give me.
I love playing with my cousins.
And I love giving big, wet, sloppy kisses!
Yeah, life as a 6-month old Little Sir is pretty sweet.
Especially the eating part. Cause you know, I’ve got my figure to keep up.
I mean, it takes WORK to be over 99% for height and 89% for weight!
And I don’t wanna disappoint the ladies or anything.
That reminds me, I’m kinda hungry.
You got anything to eat?!?
Height: 28.5 inches (>99%)
Weight: 19 lb, 12.5 oz (89%)
Head circumference: 43.7 cm, (67%)
Little Sir Cool Dude, that’s who.
The Upright Sitter.
The Swaddle-less Sleeper.
The Silly-Willy-Jumper.
The Philosophical Thinker.
(“I sense a rumbly in my tumbly.
It’s time for some milk and Mama, methinks…”)
The Toothy-Cutter.
And not just ONE tooth…
But TWO!
(The drool is an extra bonus. You’re welcome.)
The Make-Mama-Oh-So-Happy…Er.
We LOVE YOU, Little Sir William. And all of your 5 fabulous months!