The Little Sir is 4 Months Old!

Guess what?!  My Lil’ Boo-Boo turned 4 months old!


He is still the sweetest Little Dough Boy you ever did see.



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I could just smooch his chubby little cheeks all day.  And I do.

Goodness, it’s nice having a kid who thinks I’m the coolest person around AND who doesn’t yell at me a lot.  And he promises he’ll stay that way…forever and ever and ever.

Taking after his siblings, he’s also a busy Little Man.

Drooling all over his exersaucer…
(Whenever the Little Mister gives him a chance to play in it, that is.  Ever see a 2-year-old dive head-first into an exersaucer screaming “THIS EH-IOTTS!”?  Never a dull moment, folks.  Never a dull moment.)


Practicing for his upcoming debut in Lil Roly Poly Takes Manhattan…
(Type in “wright” to watch the video)


And what I’d like to call “scoochie-crawling” (with lots of encouragement from his Big Sis)…
(Again, type in “wright” to watch the videos)


My poor Little Bubba.  It can’t be easy trying to move around with nothing but your head and some chubby thighs to propel you.  Nevertheless, he seems to be faring just fine.


So until next month…

Peace out, yo.

– Height of 27.5 inches (100%)
– Weight of 17lb 4.5oz (82%)
– Head circumference of 42.5 cm (73%)


The Little Sir’s Baptism

May 18th was a really special day for our family.  That morning our sweet Little Sir was baptized!


(Not the best family portrait in the world, but whatever.  At least I didn’t “pick” the one with the Little Mister’s finger up his nose.  You’re welcome.)

We were joined at the service by the Little Sir’s fabulous Godparents, Uncle Adam and Aunt Erin, as well as several other family and friends who we love so much.


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We were so grateful that the Little Sir was able to be baptized at All Saints Church by two dear friends – the Reverend Brad Acton and the Reverend Thomas Kortus.  They were pros!

(Which is especially helpful when you are parents trying to listen to pastor with whatever focus and reverence you can muster because you are distracted by the need to hold a sleeping baby and corral two very rambunctious toddlers who are veering dangerously close to the altar covered in communion items…All of which may lead you to lose your place in the service and find yourself needing to give the pastor a “thumbs up” when he asks you a question about whether you will shepherd your child in the ways of Jesus because you have no clue what you are actually supposed to say at that moment.  Not that that happened to us, of course.  But if it did, I’m sure +Brad and +Thomas could have handled it…)



No surprise, my Little Sir Sweetie Pie was serene throughout the entire service…even when water was accidentally sprinkled into his eyes!

I’m pretty sure he inherited his calm and peaceful demeanor from me.  (Pay no attention to Mike laughing hysterically in the background).



After the service we headed home for a celebratory brunch at our place.  Thanks to Nena and Pops and the lovely catering of Costco, we had quite a spread (and no, I most certainly did not cook or bake anything for said occasion…are you crazy?).

And thanks to the fabulous folks who celebrated with us (Nena and Pops, Grammie and Poppy, Uncle Adam and Aunt Erin, Uncle Paul and Aunt Courtney, Cousins Ethan, Luke and Maddie, and Emily, Carolyn and Thomas Acton) it was quite a party!!!




All of the Wright family kiddos!


A total of 8 kids at the brunch = lots of crazy play and chaos.  But there was NO screaming or meltdowns!  It was a baptism day miracle!



And what party is complete without some knock-your-socks-off-and-then-take-a-food-coma-nap chocolate chocolate cake?!?


I think the kids approved.

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(The top right photo is Carolyn Acton saying “cheese!” as she munched on cake.  Love her.)


Bap11It was a wonderful, hectic, fun, BLESSED day that we will always cherish.  Just like we cherish our Little Man of the Hour!



The Little Sir is 3 Months Old!

Hey folks.  It’s me, the Little Sir.

Or if you ask my Mother, her Little Bubba…Or Little Lovey Pie…Or Little Smoochie Pants.

Yeah, I know, the woman is a bit coo-coo.  But you probably already knew that.  So hey.  It’s me.


Pretty cute Little Fellow, ain’t I?  Or at least that’s what my Mama tells me.  A lot.


Now that I’ve mastered coo-ing, jamming my hands into my mouth, and tooting 24/7, I figured it was high-time that I checked out this whole blogging thing.  I mean, as the third-born I have to make sure that my voice is heard.  Right?!

So here goes…  Guess what I did today?  Why, turn 3 months old, that’s what!


These past three months have been pretty spectacular.  I mean, what’s not to LOVE about having my own Personal Assistant to hold me, change me, feed me, cuddle with me…all at my beckon call?!  It’s pretty sweet.


And that’s not all!  I also have a Daddy who stays up late with me every night AND these two crazy siblings who entertain me all day long!  Those big kids are pretty hilarious.

(I’m thinking reeeeaaaalllllyyyy  hard about how funny they are in this photo…)


We play together (this is them “sharing” their toys with me)…

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And they “help” me play dress-up…
(Check out my kitty cat ears!)


They are super fun.

But I gotta tell you, when my Big Sis and Bro aren’t home things can be downright BO-RING.


So it’s a good thing I always have my Mama around to cuddle with and talk to.
(Even when we’re outside and it’s way too bright and I’m squinting and I’m thinking about how much I’d really like to be wearing sunglasses because I’m pretty sure the sun is blinding me…  Just sayin’.)


Yeah, life’s pretty good as a 3-month old.  I wonder what’s gonna happen in month 4…?!

