The Little Sir is 2 Months Old! (Apr. 18)

Guess who turned TWO months old on April 18th?  Why this handsome Little Chap, that’s who!



Our Little Sir still spends most of his time eating, sleeping, eating, sleeping, and then sleeping some more…


And he’s still the best Little Cuddlebug around…

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But as of late he’s added a few new activities to his daily repertoire.

Like smiling…
(Terrible selfie, I know, but check out the dimples!  I made a baby with dimples!)


And coo-ing…
(Now I may not speak baby, but I am pretty sure that when he talks he’s telling me how appreciative he is of my efforts and sacrifices.  Yep, it’s gotta be that.)


And not to be out-done by his siblings, he’s hard at work GROWING!  And I mean really growing, as in needing 6 month clothes before he even turned 8 weeks old.  It’s good to know that our sometimes hourly feedings are paying off, as the pediatrician told me today that he’s…

>99% in height at 25 inches,
88% in weight at 14lb 8 oz, and
71% in head circumference at 40cm

That’s my (big) boy.



Thankfully for me, most of those feedings take place during the day now, as the Little Sir has decided that he does in fact like to sleep at night.  Just as long as plenty more cuddles are involved.  Score one for Mama!

(And yes, I am wearing my glasses in this photo to hide the dark circles under my eyes.
Check it.)


Happy 2 Months Little Sir Sweetie Cakes!  We love you so!


Welcome to the Crazy, Little Sir

Dearest Little Sir,

Boy do we love you.  And we are so glad that you’ve joined our family.  Sure, you may be causing Daddy and me to get far less sleep than we’d like right now, but that’s okay.  You’re worth it.

But I digress.  I wanted to write you a little note to forewarn you about the crazy that you have come into.  Because let’s be honest, our family is a whole lotta crazy.  And wild and messy and loopy and fun.

If you don’t believe me, just ask your siblings…


Ahhh, your siblings.  Where do I begin?  In short, my dear boy, they are OUT OF CONTROL.

I mean, in just the past 2 days I have caught them playing in the bathtub (fully dressed!) while they covered themselves in conditioner; drawing all over their arms, feet, faces and the office chair in highlighter pen; and using hand soap to do finger-painting on the bathroom walls!

Did I mention the OUT OF CONTROL part yet?  Ay caramba!  I can’t even begin to think what kinds of kooky tricks they are going to teach you when you grow up…




Your Daddy and I will do our very best to protect you from the nuttiness that abounds in our home…at least while you’re small.  But thanks to your propensity for late-night bonding sessions we’re oh-so tired and sleep deprived, so we can’t make any promises.


The good news is that your Big Sis and Bro love you – and each other – so very very much.


And teamed up with them I know you are going to have ridiculous amounts of FUN in the days and years ahead.


So welcome to the family, Little Sir.  Your Daddy and I look forward to watching you grow and take on the world, all with the help and encouragement of your Big Sister and Brother.

So go forth.  Be wild.  Have fun.

Just try not to burn the house down in the process.

Your Devoted (and Overwhelmed) Mama

P.S.  Just to further emphasize my point, I’ve included a little video for your viewing pleasure.
Type in “wright” to watch…

Little Miss Crocodile from M Wright on Vimeo.


The Little Sir is ONE Month Old!

Our charming Little Sir turned a whopping ONE month old today.  He celebrated the special milestone in his typical fashion…

With just enough awake time to eat and poop and eat some more…


And then top off his special day with a nice relaxing nap…


Followed by another…


And another…


And what the heck, how about one more?!?


As you can see, ladies and gents, our Little (Sleepy) Sir is one wild and crazy guy.

But in those rare moments when he does actually grace us with some alertness, he’s the sweetest Little Cuddlebug you ever did see.


 And then he takes a nap…

1 Month Stats:
Height – 23.5 inches (>100%)
Weight – 11lb 13.5 oz (93%)
Head Circumference – 37.7cm (67%)

