Little Mister & Little Sir…Bike Riders!

It’s taken some time…and some strategizing…and some pep talks…and some more pep talks…and some big-kids-on-bikes watching…and some more pep talks…and a bag full of Sour Patch Kids…and then another pep talk just for fun.  But we’re getting there!  Our boys are Little Bikers!  You know, the cute kind.  Without the torn leather jackets and “I Love Mom” tatoos and such.

We’re super wholesome like that.

And fast and ferocious on WHEELS!


First Day of School for the Lil Sir ~ 2017

He waited.

And waited.

And suffered a painful false-start (no fault of his own), as he cheered on his siblings.

And then waited some more.

And now, the Little Sir’s time has come!

Today was his very own

First Day of School!

At the 3-Year-Old Green Frogs class at Chapel Hill Bible Church Preschool, to be exact.

With his laid-back nature and penchant for joy we know he’s going to have a ball.

Good things are ahead, my sweet boy.

Good things come to those who wait.


And just for a giggle,

type in “wright” to watch.


First Day of School ~ 2017

Happy 1st Day of School!

(Pupils of the Dayspring Academy – and their morning moods – included)

Numero Uno:

Numero Dos:

(This next photo is what I’d call “post-mood-management,” with an assist from the Lil Miss.)

(Despite the face, the Lil Mister was actually quite excited for his homeschool debut!)

And yes, you may be wondering, we do have a

Numero Tres.

But this Little One prefers to remain anonymous…

for now….

Until his preschool debut takes place in September!

Get excited!

We’re all excited!

And after the celebratory ice cream sundaes, loaded with toppings,

all a bit LOCO too!

Watch out Durham!  Here we come!!!


